Saturday, October 15, 2005


Here comes the brouhaha over nothing.

President Bush held a teleconference with troops serving in Iraq. The president spoke to troops in Tikrit.

Standard presidential photo op.

This is the kind of thing that has been going on in presidential administrations since, . . . Oh, . . . well, who knows.

Probably since the invention of television.

It was discovered that
the soldiers were coached by the deputy assistant defense secretary, and only pro-war soldiers were allowed to speak to the president. The media began frothing at the mouth, . . .


The AP headline, picked up by every media outlet in the US screamed "Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged" (notice how the media is starting to not address George Bush with his formal title of "president.")

This is, at the very best, dishonest reporting, and at worse, outright indefensible leftist political bias.

If ever you needed proof to convince your friends and family that the media is overwhelmingly liberal and Democratic, this is it.

Did we hear the same cries of outrage when Bill Clinton staged a photo op?? . . . . How about this one, for instance:

In June of 1994, President Bill Clinton was attending the 50th anniversary of
the D-Day invasion. While walking down the beach, pretending there were no
cameras around, Saturday Night Bill came upon some stones. He knelt down
and placed the stones in a shape of a cross and looked all sad and stuff.

But guess what?? The rocks were put there by an advance man, and the whole entire thing was staged. Every bit of it. Just like every other presidential photo opportunity since the invention of the camera.

Once again, . . . per the VRWC media template, . . . it was okay with those we entrust with giving us the news of the day, each day, . . . that when a Democratic president did it, but NOT when a Republican did it.

The media jumping all over Bush's case about this is about as shameless as it gets when it comes to their relentless bashing. More selective outrage from the morons on the left. Do they really think we don't notice this stuff??

God Bless,

Friday, October 14, 2005

Homeland Security starts internal probe of possible leak of terror threat

NEW YORK -- The Homeland Security Department has launched an internal investigation into whether department officials privately tipped off relatives or friends about last week's subway terrorism threat before the public learned of the news, officials said Thursday.

The probe was announced just as Gov. George Pataki and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly raised concerns about the possible leak, first reported in the Daily News. "Obviously it's disturbing; it's just not right," Gov. George Pataki said after presiding over a midtown Manhattan ceremony honoring two police detectives killed in the line of duty. "The public should know at the same time."

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, who attended the ceremony, afterward confirmed a report in Thursday's editions of the Daily News that police had obtained copies of personal e-mails that alluded to an alleged al-Qaida plot, and had forwarded them to federal officials. A Homeland Security spokesman in Washington, Russ Knocke, said that an internal investigation was under way. "We take any potential leak of sensitive or classified information very seriously," Knocke said.

When FBI and police officials went public with the threat on Oct. 6, Homeland Security downplayed it, saying it was "of doubtful credibility." After four days of high alert, local officials announced Monday there was no clear evidence an attack would be carried out and scaled back the protection.

"It's ironic that on the one hand the department is saying this is not a credible threat and then, if these e-mails are true, people within the department with access to classified information felt it was worth contacting their own families," said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chair of the House Homeland Security Committee.

The e-mails began circulating on Oct. 3 -- three days before Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced they were putting thousands of extra police officers on patrol in the subways in response to the possible plot to bomb the subway using briefcases or baby strollers packed with explosives.

The Daily News story quotes one e-mail -- purportedly penned by the unnamed son of a high-ranking Homeland Security official -- in which he warns the recipients, "The only information I can pass on to you is that everyone should at all costs not ride the subway for the next two weeks in major areas of NYC."

In another e-mail, the writer describes receiving "a most disturbing call" from the Coast Guard's liaison to Homeland Security who relayed "a very specific warning to not enter the New York City subway system from Oct. 7 through Oct. 10."

Asked about the e-mails, Pataki said, "There should not be limited public notification to a handful of people, or people who might be otherwise politically connected." Kelly called for an investigation to determine "if, in fact, this is inside information that's being put out by a public official."
Well, there you have it, . . . another attempt to discredit the work our government does, based upon a liberal agenda to discredit the current administration. These jerkmeats will stop at nothing to show ANY conservative is not in line with their thinking. If the journalist who wrote it, was worth his/her journalistic credentials, this story would be about the tendency everyone has, to protect their family and friends first. It might take the approach that every person has a few people they trust, implicitly, and the normal reaction to being able to possess this information and NOT share it with loved ones, is anything but natural and normal, and something few could overcome. Obviously the people trusted with the early warnings felt EXACTLY the same way, and forwarded those e-mails to others, whom they cared about, and those people did the same, ad infinitum. What's wrong with this?? -- It doesn't pass the liberal test of "fairness." After all, what if you aren't one of the "trusted and loved??" What if you're one of those citizens who qualify as a perpetural victim of the evil, elite, Republicans?? Remember, if you can, that Mayor Blumberg IS a Republican. Remember, if you can, that George Pataki IS a Republican. Remember, if you can, that there has NEVER been a democrat appointee to the Department of Homeland Security, at the Federal level. Think, for a moment, if you can, . . . what you might do, if you were charged with sitting in an office all day, making plans for countermeasures to protect ALL the citizens of New Yawk, while the terrorists planned on killing them, . . . as many of them as possible. Anyone with even a single functional brain cell can tell us what they'd do, if they were to occupy that seat. THEY'D DO THE SAME THING THAT WAS DONE, politics be damned!! And, that's exactly what should happen, here, (after the Mayor and Governor get done making it appear as though they really care that relatives of their underlings got a heads up. Grow up America. Stop being stupid, and understand how serious this issue truly is, and how much it effects every single American, and will continue to do so, until we kill the last terrorist.

God Bless,

Thursday, October 13, 2005



Have you noticed how much leftists like to travel outside of the United States to find a platform from which to attack their country?

Put Al Gore at the top of this list. Poor Al. From the time he was a fetus his parents were determined that he would one day be the President of the United States. He was raised in the penthouse suite of a fancy Washington DC hotel. He was chauffeured to his private school every day. From his infancy he was immersed in the Washington culture that his parents earnestly hoped he would one day dominate. Things just didn't work out for Poor Al. He lost --- a close election, but he lost, and he just can't seem to get over it.

So, Poor Al travels to Stockholm this week to speak at an economic forum. This presented Poor Al with an opportunity to look back across the Atlantic and blast his own country ...
an opportunity he made the most of. Here are some of Poor Al's more outrageous statements. He says that if he had been elected president: Poor Al said "We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us." Hey, Al. Afghanistan didn't attack us. Are you saying we wouldn't have gone into Afghanistan to rout the Taliban? Oh .. and Germany ever attacked us either. Are you saying that our participation in the World War II in Europe was wrong??

Then Poor Al says "We would not have taken money from the working families and given it to the most wealthy families." Only the illogical mind of a liberal can come up with the idea that allowing someone to keep more of the money that they earn constitutes "taking it from working families" and "giving it" to the wealthy. Class warfare, pure and simple.

Finally, Poor Al says that "We would not be routinely torturing people." Nice going Al. You travel overseas and accuse your country of engaging in the routine torture of foreigners.
Like I said, . . . Al Gore, . . . world class, poor loser, class warlord jerk, . . . OFF.

God Bless,

Nothing to See Here.

Move Along.

by Michelle Malkin
October 12, 2005 12:00 AM EST

Oct. 12 marks the fifth anniversary of the bombing of the USS Cole. Seventeen American sailors were murdered in the attack. They were casualties of a war with radical Islamic terror that America hadn’t yet declared and which the mainstream media still refuses to acknowledge today.

Too many of us were blind in 2000 -- unable or unwilling or simply too uninterested to connect such blood-stained dots as al Qaeda’s 1993 World Trade Center bombing attack, the 1996 Khobar Tower bombings, the 1998 African embassy bombings, and the attack on the Cole. After Sept. 11, 2001, all of our eyes should have been pried wide open to the evils of Muslim extremism that exist among us in both organized and freelance form.

The watchdogs in the national press, however, insist on clouding our vision.

Since 9/11, I’ve reported on the media’s reluctance to highlight the convicted Washington, D.C.-area snipers’ Islamist proclivities and journalists’ refusal to call Egyptian gunman Hesham Hadayet’s acts of murder at the Israeli airline counter at Los Angeles International Airport on July 4, 2002, “terrorism.”

Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes noted how quickly the media sought to whitewash the bloody bus-hijacking by Croatian illegal alien Damir Igric a month after 9/11. Although the incident “echoed similar attacks by Palestinians on Israeli buses,” Pipes observed, the “media attributed the violence to post-traumatic stress syndrome.”

National Guardsman Ryan Anderson (a.k.a. Amir Talhah), a Muslim convert who allegedly attempted to pass sensitive military information to al Qaeda over the Internet, rated barely a blip on the media radar screen.

Similarly, press accounts have downplayed the disruption of terrorist cells on American soil: The Lackawanna Six were just nice Muslim boys led astray. The Virginia Jihad Network was just a group of weekend paintball enthusiasts. Those indicted imams in Lodi, Calif., are just misunderstood “moderates.” Terror suspects deported on immigration charges are just victims of discrimination.

Now, many of my readers wonder why the MSM won’t touch the strange and troubling story of the University of Oklahoma bomber, Joel Henry Hinrichs III. On Oct. 1, Hinrichs died on a park bench outside the school’s packed football stadium when a homemade bomb in his possession exploded. The Justice Department has sealed a search warrant in the case. The university’s president, David Boren, is pooh-poohing local media and Internet blog reports of possible jihadist influences on Hinrichs. The dead bomber was, we are being told, simply a depressed and troubled young man with “no known ties” to terrorism.

Never mind that, according to local news reporters, the bomb-making material found in Hinrichs’ apartment was triacetone triperoxide—the explosive chemical of choice of shoe bomber Richard Reid and the London 7/7 subway bombers.

Never mind the local police department’s confirmation that Hinrichs had attempted to buy ammonium nitrate a few days before his death.

Never mind the concerns of Oklahoma University student journalist Rachael Kahne, who told me this week in a call for the media’s help:

“I’ve been working on this story since the night it happened, and have been
stonewalled at every turn. . . . Minutes after the explosion, police busted into
a student’s apartment and arrested four Muslim students who were there for a
small gathering (the president of the Muslim Student Association assures me this
was in no way a “party”). Among those arrested [and later released] was Fazal
Cheema, Joel Henry Hinrichs’ Pakistani roommate. I was baffled when I heard
this. I didn’t know how police would be able to identify who Hinrichs was, where
he lived, who his roommate was, and then find where his roommate was in a matter
of minutes. Something isn’t adding up, and I’ve been wracking my brain for the
past week trying to figure out what happened here. OU isn’t saying anything more
than the typical PR spin, and the FBI won’t talk.”

Nothing to see here. Move along. Islam is a peaceful religion. Stop asking so many damned questions.

Such is the attitude of the national media, which seems to believe that ‘tis better to live in ignorance and indulge in hindsight later than to offend the gods of political correctness.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Letter is Out!

Our government has released
a seized letter from Osama Bin Laden's top deputy to the Islamic thug running the terrorist operation in Iraq, Abu Musab Zarqawi.

Contrary to what you may have heard, our military is doing a fantastic job, in Iraq.

Keep in mind, we’ve had this letter for several months, now. It’s not a short note, either, . . .

The 6,300 words are quite clear about the terrorist aims of the group. Found within the contents:

-Al-Zawahiri (the guy above with the grey beard and the black cloth on his head
you see in all the Al-Qaeda videos these days,) predicts that the United States
will cut and run from Iraq soon. Sounds more like a press release from the
Democratic Party.

-He also worries that videos showing Zarqawi beheading
hostages might cause Al-Qaeda to lose the hearts and minds of Muslims.
Specifically, he says "I say to you: that we are in a battle, and that more than
half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media."

Besides the fact that this shows that these two clowns are in a serious disagreement, it also shows that they DO know what they’re doing, . . . That's right, . . . they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

With their willing accomplices in both the American and international media, these Islamic killers spread their vicious message of death and hate through propaganda gleefully repeated by the America-haters around the world.

Even though by any realistic measure, the United States is winning the war in Iraq, the media is doing their best to portray it otherwise. Now we know exactly whose agenda is served by such reporting. We also see that the group who attacked us on 9/11 is just waiting for us to cut and run from Iraq. Why do they want us to leave? So they can attempt to turn Iraq into an Islamic terrorist state.

Who else wants us to cut and run from Iraq? Democrats and some Republicans who’ve fallen in love with the term “moderate.” Now we know whose agenda will be served by such a withdrawal.

Zawahiri, Zarqawi, Pelosi, Harkin, Spectre and Kennedy, . . . . they're just like peas in a pod.

God Bless,

Yahoo adds blogs to its news search

By Associated Press
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - Updated: 10:42 AM EST

SAN FRANCISCO - Yahoo has added Internet blogs as a supplement to professional media offerings in its news search tool. The experiment will serve as a test of the public's appetite for information from alternative sources.

Under Yahoo's new approach, a keyword search for online news will include a list of relevant Web logs, or blogs, displayed in a box to the right of the results collected from mainstream journalism.

Google, which runs the Internet's leading search engine, has so far treated blogs differently.

Yahoo's inclusion of blogs in its news section marks further validation for those who are bypassing newspapers, magazines and broadcast outlets to report and comment on topical events.

Although many top bloggers lack formal journalism training, it hasn't stopped them from building loyal readerships or breaking news that the mainstream media either missed or ignored.


To all those who've found us through the new Google search feature, please feel free to bookmark our page, and come back often. We'll allow anonymous commentary, but you should know that we consider the anonymous contributors to be cowards of the first degree. We ARE however interested in allowing you to post those comments because the give and take is what America is all about. We believe that diversity and differences of opinion bear the majority of the load, when it comes to making this country work the way it does. You will be allowed to show us EXACTLY what you think on any of our topics, and you can expect the give and take to be exactly that -- give and take. Accept our most sincere "Welcome," and come back often.

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh, NOooooooo! Gun Ownership!!

The Associated Press is reporting (gasp!) that Supreme Court nominee
Harriet Miers owned a GUN! . . . . Oh my God! . . . . She owned a gun!

A .45-caliber revolver!

Oh, the humanity!

Can you just imagine something like this??

A person who may end up as one of the justices of the United States Supreme Court actually owned a gun!

Doesn't this woman know that the Second Amendment only protects government, not the people!

The Second Amendment clearly gives ONLY the government the right to own guns.

That's why the phrase "the people" is included.

Are we now going to get a story about how Harriet Miers once expressed an opinion in a public forum, and then ran out and worshiped at a church of her very own choosing??

Stop the presses!! I think we have a scoop!!

God Bless,


Monday, October 10, 2005

'60 Minutes' and Mike Wallace Missed the mark!!

As I reported just two short days ago, former FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote a book about his time in the Clinton administration.

In that literary effort, he dared to criticize Bill Clinton, and even went so far as to accuse the former president of not helping the FBI with its investigation into the terrorist bombing of Khobar Towers in 1996. Bill Clinton ignoring terrorism?? Can you imagine that??

Well, . . . as a matter of fact, Now that I've mentioned it TWICE in the past week, I can.

So, . . . . after it was announced that Freeh would be
taping an interview with Mike Wallace, the Clintons became outraged. How dare Bill's legacy be called into question! 60 Minutes tried to interview Bill Clinton, but instead just got Sandy 'Fat/Lumpy Sox' Berger to say that Clinton did press the Saudis for help in the investigation. A convicted classified document thief, . . . now there's a credible witness. Maybe for '60 Minutes' and Mike Wallace, but let's not forget that the American people, (found populating the Red States, . . . remember??), who watch shows like this with an eye on the standardized liberal deception, will be the ones making the final judgment on this one!!

What's worse than that is that Freeh says the FBI concluded Iran orchestrated the attack, but because Bill Clinton wanted better relations with Iran, he refused to take action and pursue any prosecution.

Islamic terrorists blow up 19 U.S. servicemen and the president of the United States won't even go so far as to send a subpoena. And people wonder why 9/11 happened . . . . how about maybe, . . . . because they had an EIGHT-YEAR HEAD START??

Freeh also turned the tables on the interviewer, and asked the million dollar question during this interview with Mike Wallace: "Do we have the will and the courage to keep going after terrorists before and after attacks, in a war that has no real end?" The likely answer, because of those like Mike Wallace, in the liberal media, is . . . . "Probably not!"

I'm betting that we're prone to another successful attack, similar to the one that occurred on September 11, 2001, before the public wakes up, and smells the coffee, and tells the mainstream media to stuff their liberal, feel-good reporting on matters involving National Security.

God Bless,

Sunday, October 09, 2005

IAEA rewarded for failure, say critics

* Rights groups accuse nuclear watchdog of helping nuclear proliferation by promoting civilian nuclear power

PARIS: Green activists voiced outrage after the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, saying the IAEA had helped military nuclear proliferation by encouraging civilian nuclear power.A French group, Sortir du Nucleaire (Get Out of Nuclear) said the IAEA should be scrapped because, by “promoting” civilian nuclear plants, it had given countries the means to build atomic bombs. “The IAEA is hoodwinking the public by claiming that its inspections are preventing access to nuclear weapons by countries that have signed the (nuclear) Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Sortir du Nucleaire said in a press statement.

“India, Pakistan and Israel have joined the five ‘great powers’ (the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain) in having an unjustifiable right to possessing nuclear weapons and in not meeting their pledges on nuclear disarmament. “Recent developments (Iran, North Korea etc.) have confirmed the IAEA’s patent failure,” it said.

In Amsterdam, Greenpeace International spokesman Mike Townsley acknowledged that IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei had been “a voice of sanity” in his advocacy of a nuclear-free Middle East. But, Townsley told AFP, ElBaradei was trapped by the IAEA’s “contradictory role, as nuclear policeman and nuclear salesman.”

The agency’s dual function was to promote civilian nuclear energy and at the same try to prevent countries from using the self-same technology to make nuclear bombs, he said. The Nobel Committee said the IAEA’s work was “of incalculable importance” at a time when disarmament efforts “appear deadlocked, when there is a danger that nuclear arms will spread both to states and to terrorist groups, and when nuclear power again appears to be playing an increasingly significant role.”

George Monbiot, a radical author and commentator with the British daily The Guardian, said the 2005 prize to the IAEA and its boss “was a reward for failure in an age of rampant proliferation.”

He saw a parallel with the controversial awarding of the 1973 Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger.

The former US secretary of state and national security advisor helped extend the Vietnam War to Laos and Cambodia before negotiating the conflict’s end.

“The currency (of the Nobel Peace Prize) is beginning to be devalued,” Monbiot said. The Nobel jury has rewarded nuclear non-proliferation twice before in the past two decades, also on major anniversaries of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.In 1995, the coveted award was given to the Pugwash group and its founder Joseph Rotblat, and in 1985, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War received the prize.

In Nagasaki, Senji Yamaguchi, a nuclear bomb survivor nominated for the peace prize, accused the Nobel jury of passing over his group so as not to offend the United States. He also called on the IAEA and ElBaradei to “work harder” to prevent the risk of another nuclear bomb attack.Yamaguchi’s group, Nihon Hidankyo, which includes survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks, has lobbied for the abolition of nuclear weapons and demanded the Japanese government provide compensation for nuclear bomb victims.

In addition to their traditional worries about nuclear proliferation, environmentalists are concerned that the civilian nuclear industry - dealt a crippling blow by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster - is on the rise once more.

Nuclear power is becoming eagerly pursued in China and India to help meet surging energy needs at a time of expensive, vulnerable oil supplies.

And in Europe, some countries that vowed to scrap or freeze their nuclear power programmemes are now discreetly looking at reviving them to meet their commitments on greenhouse-gas pollution from fossil fuels.