It's Time The News Media Shows Some Character
Marines 7 -- Murtha 0
“Yet another U.S. Marine, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, had charges dropped Tuesday in the so-called Haditha massacre -- bringing the total number of Marines who've been cleared or won case dismissals in the Iraq war incident to seven. ‘Undue command influence’ on the prosecution led to the outcome in Chessani's case. Bottom line: That's zero for seven for military prosecutors, with one trial left to go.
“I repeat: Haditha prosecution goes 0-7. But you won't see that headline in the same Armageddon-sized font The New York Times used repeatedly when the story first broke.
“The Times, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa, and the rest of the anti-war drum-pounders who fueled the smear campaign against the troops two years ago should hang their hands in shame. They won't, of course. Perpetuating the ‘cold-blooded Marines’ narrative means never having to say you're sorry.
“It means never having to look Lt. Col. Chessani (charges dismissed), Lt. Andrew Grayson (acquitted), Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum (charges dismissed), Capt. Lucas McConnell (charges dismissed), Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt (charges dismissed), Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz (charges dismissed), Sgt. Frank Wuterich (awaiting trial) and their families in the eyes and apologize for the preemptive character assassination they all faced at the hands of the hyperventilating, noose-hanging press.”
- Columnist Michelle Malkin
Since you apparently will not see the folks over at the New York Times, . . . or the people who control the Associated Press, or even the bozos who don't like those terrible "T-Words" describing the combatants we encountered at the World Trade Center and all their followers, and future and wannabe combatants who hate everything about our beloved country, . . . stepping up to the plate, to show their high level of character, in admitting their bias and agenda-based news reporting, when they first ran the stories about Haditha, Iraq, and the horrid events that unfolded there, we feel that the above quote should educate you on the final truth of the matter.
Let's admit a couple of things: 1.) We are at war. 2.) While at war, we are occasionally required to support the troops who put their lives on the line, in order to protect our beloved country from the likes of those who came to kill us on September 11, 2001.
Those who don't agree with these two simple statements will likely be voting for the democratic candidate, this fall. Let's Pray for them to see the truth of these matters, and for their minds to be opened to the truth, so that they can properly cast their ballots in the interest of the continued good health of our country.
God Bless,