Are you better off now, than two years ago?
Remember back to the election results in November, 2006. Euphoria reigned: The Democrats won! The Democrats won! The people, according to the mainstream media, have sent a message to George W. Bush.
Excitement exploded in the Blue States, (those would be the states where the entitlements demographics are HUGE), democrats gushed with joy, and those who opposed the policies of George Bush beamed with pleasure.
We had much cheaper gasoline back then. Our bankers weren’t afraid of being called “racist,” or “discriminatory” as a label in their practice. The NASDAQ was over 14,000, and the financial future looked good. Food prices were low, and stable. So, was the unemployment rate.
Healthcare, although expensive, was still something most people could afford, and WalMart® was considering four-dollar prescriptions. In 2003 2% of the home mortgages were sub-prime. Last year nearly 22% were sub-prime. Above all, don’t forget who was in charge for that little change.
So what have the Democrats accomplished since then? Other than helping an upstanding citizen, and overall-Great American Attorney named Alberto Gonzales to get his pink slip, not much. Every now and then rumors circulate that the Democratic Congress will start investigations, order subpoenas, and all that good stuff.
Barak Obama wants us to think that he has no lobbyists on his campaign staff. I know that’s not true, but I can do the research, and since he brought it up, you should too; before casting a ballot in that direction. Have you ever noticed how many Democrats are actually proud that they are perceived to be completely devoid of character?
Many of my friends voted for the Democrats in 2006. After about 20 months of Democrats as the majority they’re still waiting for something of substance. How about you? Never allow any of the media’s talking heads to convince you that any candidate is the “end-all politician”, or the “National Savior.”
I’d say they’ve already had their bite at the apple, and the people of the media have failed us. Remember this: . . . . “Burn me once, shame on you! -- Burn me a second time, Shame on ME!”
God Bless,
Labels: Better off now, than 2 years ago?