Saturday, November 12, 2005

French Riots cause change in Security Levels

Both AP and UPI reported today that the French government announced that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide."

The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender".

The raise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, thereby disabling its military.

It's reported that the only existing white flags are in the possession of the Reuter's News Agency's Paris office, and they're not willing to negotiate.

Insensitive?? You betcha! Dontcha just love it?? That's they way we are, here at VRWC.

God Bless,

Friday, November 11, 2005


In case you're wondering why there's no mail delivery today, it is Veteran's Day. This is perhaps one of the most meaningful holidays we celebrate in America. Veteran's Day.

What does the day mean, other than a day off for a lot of people??

It is the day in which we honor the military veterans among us. And we have MUCH to honor.

Right now, . . . serving abroad in the War on Terror, are over 150,000 U.S. troops.

They are away from their families, away from home and are sacrificing mightily so that the rest of us can live in freedom from the fear of Islamic terrorism.

It's especially important that those serving abroad know that they are appreciated, . . . given the agenda of the mainstream media and the anti-war left.

So on this Veteran's Day, . . . be thankful. Thank a Vet today, and every time you see one, . . . because if it weren't for their willingness to sacrifice so much for the rest of us, we'd all be in a heap of trouble. Just ask the Jordanians, . . . or the French.

God Bless Our Veterans and the men and women they exemplify!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Much has been made over the last twenty four hours, about Tuesday night's Democratic victories in New Jersey in Virginia, . . . as if it's some sort of referendum on George Bush and his parties' chances in the 2006. But really, as much as it was somewhat of a Republican defeat, (in that they didn’t kick tail, as they’ve done in nearly every election since 1992), it doesn't really matter too much in the larger scheme of things.

First of all, the victories in New Jersey and Virginia do not represent a loss of Republican power. Corzine is replacing the Democratic stand-in who took over after former Democratic Governor James McGreevey came out of the closet and resigned. Kaine wins in Virginia replacing another Democrat. The mainstream media is hailing the Kaine win as some sort of embarrassment to the president, since he campaigned for the Republican opponent, Jerry Kilgore. But as you will find if you do any amount of research, Kilgore ran an extremely inept campaign and essentially defeated himself. The RNC should be ashamed of that, if anything.

So, . . . the Democrats retain two governorships, . . . BFD!!

The Democrats did not "clean up big," as the Associated Press and the three “major” networks are claiming today. In fact, according the AP's own poll, President Bush wasn't a factor in voters' choices two days ago. We are a political eternity away from the mid-term elections next year, and the left is going to have to do a lot more to try and fulfill their goal of winning back the House and the Senate. Fat chance!!

Now, . . . . having said that, let's also point out that the Republicans in congress have been a huge disappointment of late. Yesterday they were engaging in that anti-capitalistic exercise of browbeating oil company executives. The Republican chairman of the Senate Finance Committee has introduced a new version of profit sharing, where corporations bow to government and political pressure and "donate" huge chunks of their profits to government spending programs -- as if they didn't pay enough taxes in the first place. Then there's the spending. Republicans have shown absolutely no desire whatsoever to curtail spending. Shame on them!! That should incur some rather debilitating poll numbers, if they don’t mend their ways, . . . SOON!!

Frankly, if they lose control of the Congress in the midterm elections next year I probably won't be all that upset. At this point, unless they dummy up, and fly right, . . . they deserve it.

God Bless,

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Why golly-gee, Gosh, all-Friday !

It would seem that I did!

I actually said the "I" word in connection with world terrorism.

I've been known to use the "M" word as well. The "M" word, as in Muslim.

Though these incidents aren't necessarily featured individually, in The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Blog, over the past few months, let's just remind you of a few things before we move on to other things:

The people who shot those school children in the back in Chechnya were, . . . Muslims.

The people who cut off the heads of those Christian school girls in Indonesia were, . . . Muslims.

The sniper who terrorized the Washington beltway area a few years ago was a . . . Muslim.

The people who flew those jets into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon were . . . Muslims.

The people who invaded those American-built schools in Baghdad and killed the teachers were, . . . Muslims.

The so-called "pirates" who attacked that Miami-based cruise ship off the coast of Africa were, . . . Muslims.

The people who are rioting in Paris, shooting at police and paramedics, are . . . Muslims.

The people who are rioting and burning cars in Germany are . . . Muslims.

One of the first things you should do if you want to stay alive and healthy is to identify the people out there who want you dead. If you listen to the Democrats, you are in trouble. Pay attention to what the administration is telling you. (Keeping in mind, of course, that the French wouldn’t listen, either, and where are THEY, today??)

God Bless,

US Military Sets PHaSRs to "Stun"

The US government has unveiled a "non-lethal" laser rifle designed to dazzle enemy personnel without causing them permanent harm. But the device will require close scrutiny to ensure compliance with a United Nations protocol on blinding laser weapons.

The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHASR) rifle was developed at the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, US, and two prototypes have been delivered to military bases in Texas and Virginia for further testing.

The US Department of Defense (DoD) believes the weapon could be used, for example, to temporarily blind suspects who drive through a roadblock. However, the DoD has yet to reveal details of how the laser works and has yet to respond to New Scientist’s requests for further information.

Laser weapons capable of blinding enemies have been developed in the past but were banned under a 1995 UN convention called the Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons. The wording of this protocol, however, does not prohibit lasers that temporarily dazzle a foe.

Permanent harm
"In the past, the problem with lasers of this type has been that they often permanently blind human targets," says Tobias Feakin, an expert at Bradford University's Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project in the UK.

But he says newer systems may avoid this problem by using less powerful laser beams. "This new wave of low-intensity laser weapons do not have a permanently damaging effect, apparently," he told New Scientist.

Several laboratories across the world are working on such weapons. But even low power laser systems can cause eye damage if they are used at close quarters or for extended periods.

The PHaSR may attempt to address safety concerns by automatically sensing its distance from a target. The limited information released by the DoD includes mention of an "eye-safe range finder", which may mean the laser's power is adjusted depending on the distance to the target.

The system is also said to incorporate a "two wavelength laser system", which may be designed to counter goggles that can filter out certain wavelengths of laser light.

Pulsing green light
Neil Davison, another expert at Bradford University, says the situation in Iraq may encourage the US to push for the development of less-than-lethal laser weapons. "They already use bright white lights at vehicle checkpoints in Iraq to dazzle drivers who are approaching too fast," he says.

Several commercial systems capable of temporarily dazzling a target exist. LE Systems, based in Connecticut, US, for example, makes the Laser Dazzler, which resembles an ordinary torch and emits a low power pulsing green laser light. The company says this device has been tested extensively and been shown to cause no lasting eye damage.

The possibility of causing lasting eye damage can be reduced by diffusing the laser beam or rapidly moving it across the target with a series of mirrors.

And the same US military research lab developed another laser weapon more than a decade ago, called the Sabre 203. This device attached beneath the barrel of a normal rifle and emitted a low-power laser light over a range of 300 metres. It was used by US forces in Somalia in 1995 but later shelved because of concerns over safety and effectiveness.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vive la France!

The French have come in for a lot of criticism over the past two weeks or so, even a little bit in this column. So we thought in the interest of fairness we'd give some space to a defender of the French. We refer to former Enron adviser Paul Krugman, whose July 29 column pays tribute to the superior French economic system (an illustrated version is here):

Americans are doing a lot of strutting these days, but a head-to-head comparison
between the economies of the United States and Europe--France, in
particular--shows that the big difference is in priorities, not performance.
We're talking about two highly productive societies that have made a different
tradeoff between work and family time. And there's a lot to be said for the
French choice. . . .

Let's ask how the situation of a typical middle-class family in France compares
with that of its American counterpart. The French family, without question, has
lower disposable income. This translates into lower personal consumption: a
smaller car, a smaller house, less eating out.

But there are compensations for this lower level of consumption. Because French schools are good across the country, the French family doesn't have to worry as much about getting its children into a good school district. Nor does the French family, with guaranteed access to excellent health care, have to worry about losing health insurance or being driven into bankruptcy by medical bills.

On the other hand, car insurance must be getting pretty expensive over there.

God Bless,

Monday, November 07, 2005


YUP,, . . . EVERYBODY KNOWS . . . .

Well, you just had to know sooner or later someone in the mainstream media was gonna do it, in a clear and concise manner, . . . and then, right there on my television, there was CNN's intrepid correspondent Dick Uliano reporting on the intelligence that George Bush used to justify his removal of Saddam Hussein from power. Uliano was talking about WMDs. No less than two times during his bit he said "Everybody knows the intelligence was wrong." What intelligence? The intelligence reports that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. At one point in the report Uliano said that the intelligence was " . . . . simply wrong. The weapons did not exist." Who's this guy's producer?? Does he write his own stuff??

Sure, . . . Everybody knows!! How in the hell does Uliano know what "everybody knows?" This is journalism??
Here's a column you need to read from Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the column and you will discover that the 4th Infantry Division discovered in an ammo dump in Iraq 55 gallon drums of chemicals which, when mixed together, formed nerve gas. Nerve gas, in case Dick Uliano doesn't know it, is a weapon of mass destruction. Perhaps Uliano feels that this wasn't a WMD find because the chemicals weren't mixed together yet. How long does that take?? Two minutes?? These chemicals were stored next to some missiles that were configured to carry liquids. Do the math. But, . . . then, . . . . Everybody KNOWS!!

There's more, of course. Uranium was also found in Iraq. And yes, some of that uranium was enriched. As soon as it's enriched, you're on the way to an atomic weapon. Not enriched, you have the materials for a dirty bomb. Both are classified as WMDs.

The Democrats, along with their co-conspirators in the mainstream media, are pushing the big lie here that there were no WMDs in Iraq, and that media is doing all it can to help the story along. They know that most people don't care enough to do their own research as to whether the nightly news is accurate and honest. But as a reader of VRWC, you know the truth.

God Bless,

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Publicity Stunts Run Amok in Hollywood, Why not the rest of the State of Cahleephornia??

From the A.P.:

Beatty Tries to Crash Schwarzenegger Rally


Actors Warren Beatty and wife Annette Bening tried to crash a campaign appearance Saturday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as the governor sought to drum up last-minute support for a group of statewide ballot measures.

The Hollywood couple strode side-by-side to the entrance of an airport hangar where several hundred of the governor's supporters had gathered.

A Schwarzenegger aide told the "Bulworth" star he was not on the guest list and did not have the appropriate wristband to get inside.

"You have to have a wristband to listen to the governor?" Bening asked. "He represents all of us, right?"

The couple's appearance caused momentary confusion. Just before the governor took the stage, the hangar door was closed _ literally in their faces. It was later reopened as Schwarzenegger spoke.

Inside, Schwarzenegger told cheering supporters that his slate of four ballot proposals on Tuesday's ballot would "reform the broken system."

Beatty planned to shadow Schwarzenegger throughout the day as the governor campaigned. He has been repeatedly mentioned as a possible challenger to Schwarzenegger, but he said Saturday that he would not be a candidate in next year's gubernatorial race.

"To me, this is an abuse of the initiative process," Beatty said of Schwarzenegger's campaigning for the ballot measures.

In a later interview, the governor alluded to Beatty only indirectly.

"There's the main event, then there is the sideshow," Schwarzenegger said. "I don't care about the sideshow."

Earlier, Beatty boarded a bus draped with a banner reading "Truth Squad" and urged people to vote against the ballot measures supported by Schwarzenegger.

The Democrat and longtime political activist, told reporters he had no plans to run for public office in the future, but he didn't rule it out entirely.

"I don't want to run for governor," he told reporters. "I want to say what I think."

Schwarzenegger, who later appeared with Arizona Sen. John McCain, is pushing several measures that would curb the power of the Democrat- controlled Legislature and the state's public employee unions. Another measure he backs would extend the trial period for teaches to get tenure.

While those in Hollywood will probably vote the straight Democratic Ticket, to support the idea that their heroes could never be cut of the same cloth as the very real and sincere Governor Arnold, the likes of Streisand and Moore, as well as many, many others, the remainder of the State of Cahleephornia will, no doubt, keep its head, squarely upon its shoulders, when the balloting begins, next Tuesday. Warren Beatty has a snowball's chance on a hot, August day in Venice Beach, of becoming the next Governor of the Golden State, and that's good news for the Governator.

God Bless,