Sunday, December 20, 2009

Senator Nelson sold out to the Democrat Party, in favor of making the State of Nebraska the only State in all fifty, where a person can make 133% of the national poverty level and still qualify for Medicare.

This, and a very slight change in the abortion language, and he sells out to the pressures of the thugocracy of the Obama Administration. Shame on you, Ben, for bringing Shame on all Nebraskans, and Shame on you for ignoring the 67% of the citizens of your State, who trusted you to vote in their best interests, and who opposed the current Senate Bill.

With just two percentage points less, who supported the contents of the House Bill, how could you offer to discount those polls? Shame, Shame, Shame on you for selling out!

Your refusal to offer even a lame answer to the question of why there was a hurry to pass this terrible bill, was an indication of what you intended to do, several days before you announced your intentions to vote in favor.

Shame, Shame Shame!