Here comes the brouhaha over nothing.
Yesterday, President Bush held a teleconference with troops serving in Iraq. The president spoke to troops in Tikrit.
Standard presidential photo op.
This is the kind of thing that has been going on in presidential administrations since, . . . Oh, . . . well, who knows.
Probably since the invention of television.
It was discovered that the soldiers were coached by the deputy assistant defense secretary, and only pro-war soldiers were allowed to speak to the president. The media began frothing at the mouth, . . .
The AP headline, picked up by every media outlet in the US screamed "Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged" (notice how the media is starting to not address George Bush with his formal title of "president.")
This is, at the very best, dishonest reporting, and at worse, outright indefensible leftist political bias.
If ever you needed proof to convince your friends and family that the media is overwhelmingly liberal and Democratic, this is it.
Did we hear the same cries of outrage when Bill Clinton staged a photo op?? . . . . How about this one, for instance:
In June of 1994, President Bill Clinton was attending the 50th anniversary of
the D-Day invasion. While walking down the beach, pretending there were no
cameras around, Saturday Night Bill came upon some stones. He knelt down
and placed the stones in a shape of a cross and looked all sad and stuff.
But guess what?? The rocks were put there by an advance man, and the whole entire thing was staged. Every bit of it. Just like every other presidential photo opportunity since the invention of the camera.
Once again, . . . per the VRWC media template, . . . it was okay with those we entrust with giving us the news of the day, each day, . . . that when a Democratic president did it, but NOT when a Republican did it.
The media jumping all over Bush's case about this is about as shameless as it gets when it comes to their relentless bashing. More selective outrage from the morons on the left. Do they really think we don't notice this stuff??
God Bless,
Do you get the feeling the President is being punished? What is he going to do for the next 3-years while his brain is in prison? Same with Dick Cheney. Did you really think they were going to go unscathed for trying to discredit Joseph Wilson and taking us to war in Iraq under false pretenses? Doesn't it bother you that what he's done to our nation?
Indictments are NOT convictions. Worry not. Karl is safe and snug as a bug in a rug!! Any prosecutor can indict a grilled cheese sandwich, and getting a conviction is going to be a problem, since good ol' Valerie had been out of commission as far as ACTIVE undercover work is concerned, and there are no juries that would convict Karl, no matter what.
Shoot your best shot, and keep hoping against all odds, that you guys and your helpful conspirators in the media will continue to taint these good men, who have the interests of America at heart. You will NOT be successful, because the red states are NOT getting smaller, no matter how much you wish they were -- there'll just be ANOTHER Republican to take over in 2008, unless your party gets its head out of its ass, and finds someone to run against another conservative.
God Bless,
Actually I'm really hoping McCain will run. Hillary makes me want to puke. I was thinking along the lines of perjury, or some kind of obscure espionage charge. Having to go and testify 4-times is kind of ominous, and Fitzgerald a stickler for detail seems like someone you better be upfront with. Will see, its getting close to the end.
Prepare yourself for a BIG disappointment!! McCain won't survive the primaries, and Fitzgerald will fizzle like a dud firecracker.
God Bless,
That's an interesting perspective on Fitzgerald. For something that's taking longer than Watergate, you just might be right. Who would you like to see in the White House in 2008?
Ronald Reagan
Chuck Hagel - Repubs
Colin Powell - Dems
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