Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Letter is Out!

Our government has released
a seized letter from Osama Bin Laden's top deputy to the Islamic thug running the terrorist operation in Iraq, Abu Musab Zarqawi.

Contrary to what you may have heard, our military is doing a fantastic job, in Iraq.

Keep in mind, we’ve had this letter for several months, now. It’s not a short note, either, . . .

The 6,300 words are quite clear about the terrorist aims of the group. Found within the contents:

-Al-Zawahiri (the guy above with the grey beard and the black cloth on his head
you see in all the Al-Qaeda videos these days,) predicts that the United States
will cut and run from Iraq soon. Sounds more like a press release from the
Democratic Party.

-He also worries that videos showing Zarqawi beheading
hostages might cause Al-Qaeda to lose the hearts and minds of Muslims.
Specifically, he says "I say to you: that we are in a battle, and that more than
half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media."

Besides the fact that this shows that these two clowns are in a serious disagreement, it also shows that they DO know what they’re doing, . . . That's right, . . . they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

With their willing accomplices in both the American and international media, these Islamic killers spread their vicious message of death and hate through propaganda gleefully repeated by the America-haters around the world.

Even though by any realistic measure, the United States is winning the war in Iraq, the media is doing their best to portray it otherwise. Now we know exactly whose agenda is served by such reporting. We also see that the group who attacked us on 9/11 is just waiting for us to cut and run from Iraq. Why do they want us to leave? So they can attempt to turn Iraq into an Islamic terrorist state.

Who else wants us to cut and run from Iraq? Democrats and some Republicans who’ve fallen in love with the term “moderate.” Now we know whose agenda will be served by such a withdrawal.

Zawahiri, Zarqawi, Pelosi, Harkin, Spectre and Kennedy, . . . . they're just like peas in a pod.

God Bless,


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