Have you noticed how much leftists like to travel outside of the United States to find a platform from which to attack their country?
Put Al Gore at the top of this list. Poor Al. From the time he was a fetus his parents were determined that he would one day be the President of the United States. He was raised in the penthouse suite of a fancy Washington DC hotel. He was chauffeured to his private school every day. From his infancy he was immersed in the Washington culture that his parents earnestly hoped he would one day dominate. Things just didn't work out for Poor Al. He lost --- a close election, but he lost, and he just can't seem to get over it.
So, Poor Al travels to Stockholm this week to speak at an economic forum. This presented Poor Al with an opportunity to look back across the Atlantic and blast his own country ... an opportunity he made the most of. Here are some of Poor Al's more outrageous statements. He says that if he had been elected president: Poor Al said "We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us." Hey, Al. Afghanistan didn't attack us. Are you saying we wouldn't have gone into Afghanistan to rout the Taliban? Oh .. and Germany ever attacked us either. Are you saying that our participation in the World War II in Europe was wrong??
Then Poor Al says "We would not have taken money from the working families and given it to the most wealthy families." Only the illogical mind of a liberal can come up with the idea that allowing someone to keep more of the money that they earn constitutes "taking it from working families" and "giving it" to the wealthy. Class warfare, pure and simple.
Finally, Poor Al says that "We would not be routinely torturing people." Nice going Al. You travel overseas and accuse your country of engaging in the routine torture of foreigners.
Like I said, . . . Al Gore, . . . world class, poor loser, class warlord jerk, . . . OFF.
God Bless,
I know the truth hurts.
1)Gore is commenting about the Bush administration.
2)Gore is referring to the war in Iraq not the war in Afganistan.
3)It's against the Geneva convention to torture prisoners.
3) Geneva Convention?? Which uniform, and for what government were the terrorists fighting, that makes them eligible for considerations of the geneva convention??
2) Gore specifically said that he would never attack a country that hadn't attacked us. Are you saying that Afganistan attacked us, on September 11, 2001?? If not then, when??
1) Core is talking about his country -- the one he claims to be a Patriot for. Could he make similar comments in the United States?? Gore is a moron. What does that make this commentary??
God Bless,
3)I knew you'd say that. So you advocate America to use torture. That puts you on the same level as the terrorist in my opinion. Hey world, per George Bush, we the United states like to torture people.
2)The article you reference says:
"We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us," he said, REFERRING TO IRAQ.
3)Again the article you reference states:
When asked how the United States would have been different if he had become president, though, he had harsh criticism for BUSH'S POLICIES.
4) "Could he make similar comments in the United States??"
I can't believe you said that. Where have you been? Of course he can make similiar comments in the U.S. It's being said around the world by just about everybody, especially here in the U.S. TV, Magazines. Why do you think Bush is so low in the Polls!!!!
This man is a coward, or he would have owned up to his own shortcomings as the VEEP, or during the telephone campaign scandals, or during the Buddist Temple money scandal, or after "Earth in the Lurch" was discredited by leading scientists, or at any number of places along his ill-begotten road to the Presidency.
Look, . . . I'm sorry his family wasted his entire life on a feeble attempt to make him the leader of the free world, but signing on to the Clinton campaign may have been his biggest mistake. You know that, and so does every other American, with fanctional brain cells!!
Please try NOT to attempt to tell me what he had in his mind, during his Scandanavian presentation, (as though you were his guardian angel), and tell me, if you can, what the reaction would have been by an American audience?? And, don't say that he's already said those things inside this country. He has NOT!! (And, he WOULD not -- take another look at the Blue/Red county voting maps, showing every county in the country, again, Bob! See anything indicating the blue areas are growing??)
And, BTW, torture doesn't seem to bother our adversaries, in the War on Terror. Why, on God's Green Earth, should it bother us?? Because YOU need to have a warm fuzzy, in the center of your chest?? That organ is for feeling, . . not for thinking. I'm sorry you FEEL that way!
America cannot and will not survive, if we apply traditional values to the War on Terror. Be glad YOU aren't making decisions about National Security. I AM!!
Be glad YOU can still sit around, and worry about your next warm-fuzzy!! We'll protect you -- like it, or not!!
God Bless,
I voted for Bush in 2000. I voted against him in 2004 because he's incompetent. I read your blog and then read the article you based your rhetoric on. You completely distorted it to suit your hatred of Gore. Now in your rebuttal you accuse me of attempting of trying to tell you what he had in his mind. All I did was cut and paste the portion of the article you referenced and capitalized the phrase you missed. You can't even interpret correctly when I responded with "of course he can make similiar comments in the U.S."
I was talking about him being physically in the U.S. and making those comments. Politicians are already making those comments here in the U.S. That's why I said I can't believe you said that. Politicians, Republicans and Democrats have been on TV and all the other media saying the same thing Gore said.
I'm outta here! You should work on your reading comprehension and learn the difference between what's moral and immoral. Your logic and thought process is distorted and twisted.
Ther article I wrote was written by MATTIAS KAREN, Associated Press Writer, and if you'd have cut and pasted, like you say, you would have gotten the quotation marks, correct. It said:
"We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us," he said, referring to Iraq. "We would not have taken money from the working families and given it to the most wealthy families."
Notice how the words, "referring to Iraq" are NOT in quotes -- that means that Gore didn't say them, . . . they were the interpretation of the author, Matthias Karen, not Gore's. Tell me some more how neither YOU nor the liberal author have interpreted Gores words to exclude every other nation on the planet, except Iraq, could you please?? Who didn't read the article?? YOU!!
Look, Bob, . . I don't hate Albert Gore. I'm sure he's a really nice man. Heck, . . . he even got a reckless driving ticket, once, . . . driving a Corvette over 100 mph, down an Ohio highway. Can't be all bad, right>> He just shouldn't be in politics. His father was much more successful as a politician, than Albert Junior could ever hope to be. To quote an older Bob Dillon song, "The times they are a changin'" shall we say. Al was taught certain things, by his daddy, and they haven't held true, . . . but I guess you'd have to admit that I do like his loyalty to the platform, (except for that pro-life thing, he flipped over on, (again, coming from Daddy Gore). Nice man -- terrible politician.
Call me distorted and twisted all you like, Bob!! I'm not changing a thing, just for you. If I'm distorted and twisted, as you say, explain all those red states, on that map I mentioned, couldja?? Bubb-EYE!! I'll miss ya!!
God Bless,
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