Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh, NOooooooo! Gun Ownership!!

The Associated Press is reporting (gasp!) that Supreme Court nominee
Harriet Miers owned a GUN! . . . . Oh my God! . . . . She owned a gun!

A .45-caliber revolver!

Oh, the humanity!

Can you just imagine something like this??

A person who may end up as one of the justices of the United States Supreme Court actually owned a gun!

Doesn't this woman know that the Second Amendment only protects government, not the people!

The Second Amendment clearly gives ONLY the government the right to own guns.

That's why the phrase "the people" is included.

Are we now going to get a story about how Harriet Miers once expressed an opinion in a public forum, and then ran out and worshiped at a church of her very own choosing??

Stop the presses!! I think we have a scoop!!

God Bless,



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