'60 Minutes' and Mike Wallace Missed the mark!!
As I reported just two short days ago, former FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote a book about his time in the Clinton administration.
In that literary effort, he dared to criticize Bill Clinton, and even went so far as to accuse the former president of not helping the FBI with its investigation into the terrorist bombing of Khobar Towers in 1996. Bill Clinton ignoring terrorism?? Can you imagine that??
Well, . . . as a matter of fact, Now that I've mentioned it TWICE in the past week, I can.
So, . . . . after it was announced that Freeh would be taping an interview with Mike Wallace, the Clintons became outraged. How dare Bill's legacy be called into question! 60 Minutes tried to interview Bill Clinton, but instead just got Sandy 'Fat/Lumpy Sox' Berger to say that Clinton did press the Saudis for help in the investigation. A convicted classified document thief, . . . now there's a credible witness. Maybe for '60 Minutes' and Mike Wallace, but let's not forget that the American people, (found populating the Red States, . . . remember??), who watch shows like this with an eye on the standardized liberal deception, will be the ones making the final judgment on this one!!
What's worse than that is that Freeh says the FBI concluded Iran orchestrated the attack, but because Bill Clinton wanted better relations with Iran, he refused to take action and pursue any prosecution.
Islamic terrorists blow up 19 U.S. servicemen and the president of the United States won't even go so far as to send a subpoena. And people wonder why 9/11 happened . . . . how about maybe, . . . . because they had an EIGHT-YEAR HEAD START??
Freeh also turned the tables on the interviewer, and asked the million dollar question during this interview with Mike Wallace: "Do we have the will and the courage to keep going after terrorists before and after attacks, in a war that has no real end?" The likely answer, because of those like Mike Wallace, in the liberal media, is . . . . "Probably not!"
I'm betting that we're prone to another successful attack, similar to the one that occurred on September 11, 2001, before the public wakes up, and smells the coffee, and tells the mainstream media to stuff their liberal, feel-good reporting on matters involving National Security.
God Bless,
CBS' "60 Minutes" has agreed to read a statement denying a charge being made on tonight's program by former FBI Director Louis Freeh.
So much for your Blog.
So, . . . Let me get the straight, -- CBS "60 Minutes" wants to make a STATEMENT?? . . . Oh, MY!! And, that's SOOOOOOO much more reliable than, . . . Let's say, . . . ummmmmmmm, . . . Kermit the Frog??
So much for my BLOG??? Grow up, Anonymous Coward Liberal. . . The world does NOT revolve around the likes of Mike Wallace, nor the crowd of bleeding hearts at CBS.
At least I can sign my name, (and you can view my profile), to what I write, with no fear of reprisals from the likes of some tweetie-bird, moronic nipple-thinkers!!
God Bless,
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