YUP,, . . . EVERYBODY KNOWS . . . .
Well, you just had to know sooner or later someone in the mainstream media was gonna do it, in a clear and concise manner, . . . and then, right there on my television, there was CNN's intrepid correspondent Dick Uliano reporting on the intelligence that George Bush used to justify his removal of Saddam Hussein from power. Uliano was talking about WMDs. No less than two times during his bit he said "Everybody knows the intelligence was wrong." What intelligence? The intelligence reports that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. At one point in the report Uliano said that the intelligence was " . . . . simply wrong. The weapons did not exist." Who's this guy's producer?? Does he write his own stuff??
Sure, . . . Everybody knows!! How in the hell does Uliano know what "everybody knows?" This is journalism?? Here's a column you need to read from Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the column and you will discover that the 4th Infantry Division discovered in an ammo dump in Iraq 55 gallon drums of chemicals which, when mixed together, formed nerve gas. Nerve gas, in case Dick Uliano doesn't know it, is a weapon of mass destruction. Perhaps Uliano feels that this wasn't a WMD find because the chemicals weren't mixed together yet. How long does that take?? Two minutes?? These chemicals were stored next to some missiles that were configured to carry liquids. Do the math. But, . . . then, . . . . Everybody KNOWS!!
There's more, of course. Uranium was also found in Iraq. And yes, some of that uranium was enriched. As soon as it's enriched, you're on the way to an atomic weapon. Not enriched, you have the materials for a dirty bomb. Both are classified as WMDs.
The Democrats, along with their co-conspirators in the mainstream media, are pushing the big lie here that there were no WMDs in Iraq, and that media is doing all it can to help the story along. They know that most people don't care enough to do their own research as to whether the nightly news is accurate and honest. But as a reader of VRWC, you know the truth.
God Bless,

Well, you just had to know sooner or later someone in the mainstream media was gonna do it, in a clear and concise manner, . . . and then, right there on my television, there was CNN's intrepid correspondent Dick Uliano reporting on the intelligence that George Bush used to justify his removal of Saddam Hussein from power. Uliano was talking about WMDs. No less than two times during his bit he said "Everybody knows the intelligence was wrong." What intelligence? The intelligence reports that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. At one point in the report Uliano said that the intelligence was " . . . . simply wrong. The weapons did not exist." Who's this guy's producer?? Does he write his own stuff??
Sure, . . . Everybody knows!! How in the hell does Uliano know what "everybody knows?" This is journalism?? Here's a column you need to read from Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read the column and you will discover that the 4th Infantry Division discovered in an ammo dump in Iraq 55 gallon drums of chemicals which, when mixed together, formed nerve gas. Nerve gas, in case Dick Uliano doesn't know it, is a weapon of mass destruction. Perhaps Uliano feels that this wasn't a WMD find because the chemicals weren't mixed together yet. How long does that take?? Two minutes?? These chemicals were stored next to some missiles that were configured to carry liquids. Do the math. But, . . . then, . . . . Everybody KNOWS!!
There's more, of course. Uranium was also found in Iraq. And yes, some of that uranium was enriched. As soon as it's enriched, you're on the way to an atomic weapon. Not enriched, you have the materials for a dirty bomb. Both are classified as WMDs.
The Democrats, along with their co-conspirators in the mainstream media, are pushing the big lie here that there were no WMDs in Iraq, and that media is doing all it can to help the story along. They know that most people don't care enough to do their own research as to whether the nightly news is accurate and honest. But as a reader of VRWC, you know the truth.
God Bless,
Don't you research anything????? Like the chain letter you just published in your blog:Good News From Iraq????? Or this blog? Why do you guys keep lying??
Here, read it and weep.
Sure, we research everything, and USA Today is NOT a good source for debunking ANYTHING! BZZZZZZT Sorry -- better luck next time. Thanks for Playing the VRWC version of "to tell the truth!" . . . and just like when Johnny Carson served as Emcee.
You see, there are stories about 55 gallon drums which can be found all over the place. Until you can show that the ones referenced by the Post Gazette are the same ones your debunking source is talking about, YOU have researched nothing more than stories about 55 gallon drums of chemicals --- gee how tough WAS it??
Go away, you liberal moron, don't come back without something concrete, else don't darken our doorway with your coward anonymous responses that make no intellectually honest sense to anyone but another nipple-thinker.
God Bless,
Jack Kelly:
The 4th Infantry Division discovered in an ammo dump near the town of Baiji 55 gallon drums of chemicals which, when mixed together, form nerve gas. They were stored next to surface-to-surface missiles which had been configured to carry a liquid payload.
Took less than 5 minutes:
Now it's the New Yawk Times, you are trying to use to debunk the story that they found WMDs, (whether they knew it, or thought it, or could prove it, is rather irrelevant, as the issue is really what the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD believed at the time), and ignore all the other evidence of same.
Tell us, oh, debunker extraordinaire, about the issue of whether Teddy Kennedy believed there were WMDs, prior to February 2003?? Tell us whether Bill Clinton thought there were WMDs, prior to that date?? Tell us whether Senator and presidential wannabe, John F. Kerry thought there were WMDs prior to early 2003?? Tell us why you guys cannot offer one shred of evidence that there weren't, except to toss out all the media contentions that they weren't found in MASSIVE quantities, therefore they must never have existed, after all, and it must be George W. Bush's fault, for making it all up, somewhere in Texas, prior to his election in 2000.
While you're telling us all that, tell us, once and for all, the identity of the man on the grassy knoll, down there in Dallas, back in November of 1963, too??
God Bless,
Isn't the New Yawk Times, the place where Jason Blair was working, about that same time?? Why, yes, I think he was, . .
Fox News and Judith Miller (NY-Times) reported it along with every other newspaper in the country. But that's OK, if you want you believe Jack Kelly's remarks. Keep your head in the sand.
Also in case you haven't heard on Jan 12, 2005 — The White House acknowledged that its hunt for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction a two-year search costing millions of dollars has closed down without finding the stockpiles that President Bush cited as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein.
Don't you think the White House i.e. Scott McClellan or someone would be saying "Hey look we found WMD" to the world????????????????
Hello??? It's over VRWC, were past it, we've moved on now to see what went wrong with the intelligence interpretation that supported the claims. Get over it. Lets just move forward and do the best we can.
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