Why golly-gee, Gosh, all-Friday !
It would seem that I did!
I actually said the "I" word in connection with world terrorism.
I've been known to use the "M" word as well. The "M" word, as in Muslim.
Though these incidents aren't necessarily featured individually, in The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Blog, over the past few months, let's just remind you of a few things before we move on to other things:
The people who shot those school children in the back in Chechnya were, . . . Muslims.
The people who cut off the heads of those Christian school girls in Indonesia were, . . . Muslims.
The sniper who terrorized the Washington beltway area a few years ago was a . . . Muslim.
The people who flew those jets into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon were . . . Muslims.
The people who invaded those American-built schools in Baghdad and killed the teachers were, . . . Muslims.
The so-called "pirates" who attacked that Miami-based cruise ship off the coast of Africa were, . . . Muslims.
The people who are rioting in Paris, shooting at police and paramedics, are . . . Muslims.
The people who are rioting and burning cars in Germany are . . . Muslims.
One of the first things you should do if you want to stay alive and healthy is to identify the people out there who want you dead. If you listen to the Democrats, you are in trouble. Pay attention to what the administration is telling you. (Keeping in mind, of course, that the French wouldn’t listen, either, and where are THEY, today??)
God Bless,
What are trying to do, create some kind of "all Muslims are bad" hysteria?
Can't you read?? Why would you ask such a stoooopid question??
Al Qaeda is the enemy. Not the 1.2 billion Muslims on planet earth.
Obviously, you're another of the moronic sheep, waiting for the slaughter. Radical islam is the enemy, and al Qaeda makes up only a small fraction of them. Keep listening to the mainstream media, with their stooooopid agenda, to regain power for the left, and we'll all be slaughtered like sheep. Bubb-EYE!
Get a grip. Nobody is rioting in Germany. Radical Islamic extremists are not rioting in France. Your confused, your using the word "muslim" as if its directly interchangeable with the phrase "Islamic radical". You don't seem to understand what an Islamic radical extremist believes. No one is going to be allowed to slaughter you. Hang in there!
They're not rioting on Waikiki Beach, either. So What's YOUR Point??!
Obviously you need to shed the sheep's clothing, and learn what the real world is all about.
Until just the other day, (three days ago, to be exact), not one Muslim leader had spoken out about the violence created by the radical islamic extremists -- not one!
You must ask yourself about a religion that makes it equivilent to a mortal sin, to criticise, in ANY MANNER, another Islamic follower of ANY behavior.
Don't tell me that I don't know what they believe. You have NO IDEA what I know, or don't know, and until you have substantive evidence of it, I'd appreciate you jumping to your wild conclusions, elsewhere.
Finally, allow me to educate you just a bit:
1.) Osama bin Laden has never lied to us.
2.) Osama bin Laden promised that he'd "bring down the World Trade Center." He did just that. Remember?? 3000 Americans died that day.
3.) Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States. Those were his words.
4.) Osama bin Laden promised that he would come to America and kill our children. What other religion, (other than American Catholics), stands by and allows people of their own faith to kill children, and do nothing about it??
5.) Security experts from around the world believe that the slaughter of 300 innocent school children in Beslan, Chechnia was a rehearsal for what al Qaeda has planned for America.
6.) Unless you want to have the contemporary Israeli standard of one armed police officer per every ten students at any and all school functions, including everyday classroom exercises; you, and the other American sheep on the left need to wake up to the real potential of this threat, and consider numbers one through five, above, by using your brain, instead of your sheep's heart, to evaluate how it applies to YOU, and your loved ones.
God Bless,
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