The FIX was in, . . .
You've heard this one, haven't you?? Well, maybe not. I'm not sure --- just guessing --- but this won't make it to the Washington Post or the New York Times, unless you find it buried in the lower inside corner of page 25.
It's about the foreman of the Texas grand jury that returned that first indictment on Tom Delay. The foreman's name is William Gibson. He is in his mid-70s.
Yesterday morning he told an Austin radio station, KLBJ, that he had made up his mind to indict Tom Delay long before he heard one piece of evidence presented by prosecutor Ronnie Earle.
And why was he determined to indict Tom Delay?? Because, it seems, he didn't like some campaign advertisements that Delay ran in the newspapers during his last reelection campaign. Here's what Gibson told KLBJ:
"All this came out way before i was on the grand jury, these (ads)were in your
paper, in Austin paper, everyone else's paper, they was flooding the market
around here. But those were way before I ever went on the grand jury and my
decision was based upon those, not what might have happened in the grand jury
So, . . . here you have the foreman of the first grand jury to indict Delay making a rather astonishing admission that his decision was made on the bases of campaign ads he just didn't like.
Wait! . . . There's more!
We learned yesterday that last Friday Prosecutor Ronnie Earle made what some people call a frantic attempt to get yet another grand jury to indict Delay on new charges; this after he learned that his first indictment was fatally flawed. The second grand jury returned what is called a "no-bill."
That is, . . . they refused to return an indictment. The procedure is for a no-bill to be made public the day it is returned. This didn't happen. It was returned last Friday, and only made public on Wednesday of this week. Some excuse is being floated about not finding a judge to sign it.
So, . . . while this no-bill was sitting around waiting for a judge's signature, Earle rushes to yet another grand jury on Monday . . . a brand-spanking new grand jury. He presents the same evidence to this grand jury that he gave to the grand jury on Friday.
The new grand jury didn't know, however, that the Friday grand jury had refused to return an indictment. The no-bill, which should have been public by then, was mysteriously sitting around waiting for someone to find a judge with a pen. The new grand jury then returns an indictment for money laundering.
The mainstream media wants you to believe that Ronnie Earle is an upfront, and straightforward guy, . . . someone who would never deviate from the boundaries that are drawn for him by the legislature, when it comes to the procedures of doing his job, . . . Now that the truth is out, . . . you draw your own conclusions.
God Bless,
William Gibson never said that to KLBJ.
Your a victim of your own Republican party's continuing cult of corruption.
Well, I called KLBJ, and they confirmed it. What makes you think he didn't, . . are you a 24/7 listener, or something?? You libs are all alike -- just saying something makes it true, in your mind's eye. Try a little research, before spouting off with your nipple-thinking, okay?? The thought process takes place between the ears, not in the center of your chest. Wake up and smell the coffee!!
God Bless,
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