Former Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby was arraigned in court yesterday, . . . and with that, the issue of his indictment became a dead one for Democrats.
Libby waived his right to a speedy trial and his next court date is in February. That's months away, . . . so much for the left turning this into the next Watergate.
Libby also hired some big guns, . . . including the lawyer that got Mike Espy off in the 90's when he was indicted. They're going to demand to see reporter's notes and all of the evidence against Libby just as soon as they get security clearances. This should be fun.
Naturally, he pleaded not guilty.
The defense will be that Libby simply recalled events differently than did the reporters being used against him. He stands a good chance of walking.
Once that jury is seated, they're going to realize that they don't remember everybody they talked to and what was said two years ago. How can they send Libby off to prison for the same thing?? The last time I checked, having a faulty memory was not a crime.
If Libby is acquitted next year, Cheney should rehire him. The growing list of extremists on the left would go nuts!!
God Bless,
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