Saturday, October 01, 2005

Two days ago, this press release praised the swearing in ceremony of Chief Justice John G. Roberts:

September 29, 2005

NICEVILLE, FLORIDA -- Vanguard PAC, one of America's leading conservative groups, today hailed the Senate's confirmation of
John Roberts as Chief Justice, and urged President Bush to follow up this victory with a strong conservative nominee to replace the retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

"As a protege and disciple of Chief Justice Rehnquist, John Roberts is better suited than anyone to fill that great jurist's shoes," said Rod D. Martin, Vanguard PAC's founder and chairman. "I congratulate the new Chief, as well as President Bush, the 78 Senators who voted for confirmation, and the countless thousands of Americans who fought alongside us to reach this day."

Now it's time for the President to name Justice O'Connor's successor. We call on him to listen to his friends, not his enemies: America deserves the kind of truly conservative justice who will uphold the Constitution, stand for the rights to life, liberty and property, allow children to recite a Pledge of Allegience that includes the words 'under God', and believe in the values virtually all Americans share.

"This nomination can change the shape of the Court -- and of America -- forever. We call on the President to view this as his legacy, and make it one for which we can all be grateful."

Vanguard PAC mobilized tens of thousands of activists across America in support of Justice Roberts' confirmation, and Martin promised to greatly intensify those efforts in support of a serious conservative nominee "like Scalia or Thomas. "We will pull out all the stops. The President need not fear the sputtering, litmus-testing left. He has the right to appoint, and we have the votes to confirm. We trust this President; but we expect his very best."

Want to Know How Your Senator Voted??

For the complete breakdown,
click here.

And, now you can know just how much YOUR senator cares about the future of America and her system of jurisprudence. Use the knowledge wisely, as you go to the polls next time.

God Bless,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on Roberts responses he is somewhat of an enigma. I did hear he felt the abortion issue was settled law, so I'm not quite sure if the tens of thousands you mentioned really know what their rooting for.

Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:21:00 PM  
Blogger Charter Membership VRWC said...

Time will tell, my liberal friend, . . Time will tell!! (Are you sure you can handle the outcome?? -- ROFLMAO)

God Bless,

Monday, October 03, 2005 8:28:00 AM  

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