Friday, September 23, 2005

Winter's coming!! Get ready for the story of the year!!

Let me give you a little preview into one of the big stories this winter. Natural gas prices. It's another one of those pesky little supply-and-demand problems brought on in part by a few devastating hurricanes in the Gulf. In just a few months from now you're going to hear some griping about natural gas prices such as you've never heard before. We're ALL going to be paying MUCH higher prices, I'm afraid. We, here in Nebraska have been worrying ourselves sick over the rights to some underground water. We're squabbling with our neighboring states of Wyoming and South Dakota, and even California and Arizona over those rights. We need to redirect our focus. Natural gas must be our new focus. Environmentalists be DAMNED!!

In the meantime, . . . just where do you think some of our biggest untapped reserves of that all-important natural gas might be?? You got it!! Right there in the gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida. If you look at a map showing the locations of gas and oil rigs in the gulf, you'll see them off the coast of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. But when you get to the Florida coastline, . . . it stops. Florida, you see, is special. Florida is politically sensitive. Florida has a big tourist industry that depends on beaches. They don't want any oil or gas rigs offshore because, as we all now, they really do foul up the beaches. Why, there's not a day that goes by that we don't hear about rescue personnel having to scrub oil off of beachgoers in from Texas all the way to Alabama.

Don't you folks in Florida think it's about time to grow up and become part of the solution instead of part of the problem?? Even though we haven't heard a word from any of you, about our water rights issues, we're ALL in this energy boat together. Not everyone can escape the cold weather in the North to move to balmy Florida in the winter. Some of us Northern Americans still actually have to heat our homes, most of them with natural gas.

Hey, . . . . I have a nicely heated home on East coast of Nebraska, with a wonderful view of an unspoiled Missouri river beach. Maybe if I moved it all to Florida, the sight of a few rigs many miles offshore wouldn't spoil my enjoyment of my new Florida home. Of course, I could sell my furnace to some poor sap, stuck in in the Cornhusker State.

Seriously, folks, we need to encourage Florida join the rest of the gulf coast in addressing this country's energy needs.

Oh, and by the way, . . . and let's get those drilling rigs operating in ANWR while we're at it.

God Bless,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you I don't want to watch President Bush sucking on the knuckles of Saudi leaders in his garden and holding hands trapezing around like some gay lovers. I really don't think opening up ANWR to drilling is the answer to our long term oil addiction.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:50:00 PM  

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