So we finally heard from the much-maligned former head of FEMA yesterday. The guy Michael Moore hired a private investigator to do a background check on, then manipulated the details he decided to release, before telling us that his highest accomplishment was that of running horse shows – something not as easy as Moore would have you believe, and he was testifying before Congress. Mike Brown circled the wagons regarding the criticism of his response to Hurricane Katrina. Who could blame him?? The mainstream media was using him as a way to denigrate George W. Bush, and those wunnerful editors and newscast producers just followed their noses, right along with Michael Moore’s web site rantings. Essentially, Mr. Brown said that while he made some mistakes, the majority of the blame for how things went in New Orleans should lay squarely at the feet of the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana. I think I’ve been saying that all along, (see: Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil “Your Views” column, September 27, 2005)
Now, keeping in mind that perhaps Brown might not have done the best job, it's important to listen to what he has to say because, after all, he was there. He says all of what I’ve been saying, and we've heard before: Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco couldn't work out their differences and bickered, slowing the response to Katrina. He also points something out that the media has ignored: Nagin and Blanco tried to evacuate New Orleans in essentially a single day (maybe two.) Now compare that with the preparations for Hurricane Rita, in which Texas Governor Rick Perry started the Houston evacuation days in advance. Of course, you say!! Rita had better preparation because of what had happened with Katrina!! Well, essentially the folks over at the National Weather Service haven’t changed the way they forecast these storms, so the question remains, “Who really dropped the ball??” I contend it was the Governor and Mayor – Not FEMA or George W. Bush, (although I’ve said, and will continue to say, we need better mandates, requiring minimum standards to be met, when it comes to disaster plans)
As I asked, in the above article, will the media investigate Nagin and Blanco's share of the blame in this?? Nope. As I said, this won’t happen for two simple reasons: 1.) Nagin and Blanco are Democrats. To criticize liberals is not part of the media's capability these days. They are far more comfortable, lying there in bed with Michael Moore. They know that if it all goes south, they can change horses and very few people will notice. Second, to criticize Nagin and Blanco would be to shift blame from Bush. That would make the president look good, and favorable coverage of George Bush is not allowed in the mainstream media these days.
The leftist media in this country is simply not going to report anything that would make George W. Bush look good. So Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco get a huge pass. Only the locals, who might have some influence on the issue, could make a difference, but they’re currently pre-occupied. Must be nice.
God Bless,
Blanco and Nagin need to be interviewed by the Republican Congressional committee so we can understand how to improve future disaster responses! It blows my mind though that FEMA didn't show up at the NO dome with food and water till Friday and our Commander and Chief finally made an appearance on Thursday. You call that leadership??
You conservatives still using that whole "liberal media" excuse? With guys like Bill O'Reilly getting top ratings as the most watched cable news show and rabid jackasses like Limbaugh still commanding an audience along with Ann Coulter, how is the media all liberal? And I can't stand how you guys all seem to use the term 'leftist'...are you trying to assure Joseph McCarthy's legacy is still alive and well today? You make it sound like it's a capital crime to be liberal. Grow up, you can't blame everything on the media.
It would help diminish your whining if there was something positive to report about Bush. But, alas, he has screwed up the war on terrorism, alienated the U.S.A. from most of the rest of the world, needlessly put our future generations in debt, ignored Katrina as she approached and hit our shores and then tells Brownie he's doing a heck of a job, war crimes, can't hold a public rally without it being invitation only.
Isn't your intelligence in the least bit insulted???????????????
Obviously Bush thinks your very stupid. For once he's right.
You guys really have no intellectual honesty at any level, . . . do you?? maybe you think there's been no progress in Iraq, and we LOST the war in Afganistan, and the Spanish government, nor our friends, the Brits, have learned anything from us, since September 11, 2001. Talk about running around with blinders, and being in denial?? These three posts, (two of them from really brave anonymous posters), show just how inane those on the left can be. Nice demonstration of intellectual honesty! Thanx!
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