Friday, August 19, 2005

When will this guy learn??? . . .

Alleged "Republican" (AKA "RINO," or Republican In Name Only) Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska is wringing his hands again.

Never really a supporter of George Bush or the war in Iraq, Hagel has been preaching doom and gloom at every turn and to anyone who will listen.

As a matter of fact, he sounds just like a Democrat.

Let's take a look at his latest proclamations, shall we??

The good senator says the United States is getting bogged down in Iraq, and the more time that passes, the more the conflict starts to resemble the Vietnam war.

Chuck also tells us that the whole effort is doomed to failure, complaining: "The longer we stay in Iraq, the more similarities will start to develop, meaning essentially that we are getting more and more bogged down, taking more and more casualties, more and more heated dissension and debate in the United States."

Really?? . . . . does he mean that everybody has to be on-board with the war for it to be successful?

There are always people protesting any war. But we'll play along for a minute here and do the comparison with Vietnam.

Here's a brief overview of what we know about the war in Iraq so far:

--The war has been going on for 2 1/2 years.
--The government was overthrown, Saddam Hussein is sitting in prison.
--Control was handed over to the new Iraqi government early, elections were held and a new Constitution is being drawn up.
--We won.
--In 2 1/2 years, there have been just under 2,000 casualties...1,861.
--The war is being fought with an all-volunteer force.

Now, for the sake of comparison, and for the benefit of people like Chuck Hagel whose memory is a bit rusty, here are some Vietnam War facts:

--The conflict lasted, depending on how you look at it, 10-20 years.
--The ultimate result was the fall of South Vietnam to the communists.
--We lost.
--There were some 58,000 casualties.
--The war was fought with the presence of a draft.

Yeah, . . . Iraq is just like Vietnam, . . . not.

It's interesting how the pro-appeaser defeatists want to throw in the towel just because some Islamic terrorists don't like democracy and the rule of law.

God Bless,


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Friday, August 19, 2005 7:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless what? The whitey american? How about all the innocent dead civilians? How about: Saddam was there for 25 years... what happened now, remembered you are running out of oil? Or Bush got thirsty for some blood, or family revenge? how about: none of the 911 attackers were Iraqi? So why not go and bomb and take over Saudi Arabia... oh wait a second: Bush was just holding hands with the Saudi prince: A criminal by all human rights definitions. Hmmm holding hands with a criminal? How about that??? Who gives a shit comparing wars? A war is a war. Do you ever cry for those iraqi civilians who have died? I bet you never even think about them, since they certainly didn't count in your less than 2000 dead people. Do you even know how many died?

Yes, that is right. God bless your pressure american life. Who gives a fuck about the rest.

Friday, August 19, 2005 8:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What we know about Iraq:

1. No weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq - Bush/Blair LIED

2. Al Qaeda was not based in Iraq - Sadaam didn't let them in.

3. Iraq is a lawless and violent place, more so than when US troops arrived.

4. Around 2000 US dead already, and mounting. Thousands more young Americans maimed & wounded, with "happy lives" of "freedom" in front of them.

5. Tens of thousands of American families split up while one or more family members serve in Iraq

6 Iraqis don't want force-fed US democracy

7 US taxpayers have paid $200-400 billion already and will end up paying for years to come for this disaster.


Friday, August 19, 2005 9:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this National Assembly does not have the mindset required to produce a meaningful Iraqi constitution, then it is best to dissolve and re-elect the assembly than settle for a prop. It is more important to get it right, than to get it “right now.”

As Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari noted, “We should not be hasty regarding the issues and the constitution should not be born crippled.” The constitution must be meaningful – a living, breathing document that can be a foundation for the long road towards a real democracy in a united Iraq.

Friday, August 19, 2005 10:23:00 AM  

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