Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Another History Re-Write

This is an absolute, and complete, . . . and very smelly, crock of you-know-what, . . .

President Bill Clinton, always looking for a chance to revise the history surrounding himself; especially about the impact of his disastrous administration's policies, has now weighed in on the issue of Osama bin Laden.

He said exactly these words in an interview: "I desperately wish that I had been President when the FBI and CIA finally confirmed, officially, that bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. Then we could have launched an attack on Afghanistan early. I don't know if it would have prevented 9/11. But it certainly would have complicated it."

Surely you jest, Mr. President. The U.S.S. Cole was attacked by al-Qaeda on October 12, 2000.

Of course, that was too late for Bill Clinton to do anything about it, right?? Well, . . . when you think about it, . . not really.

What Clinton is really doing is making excuses for his previous eight years of not just inaction, . . . but complete and total, intentional ignorance.

Let's take a look at what he could have done to prevent 9/11 along the way, shall we?? I’ll just hit the high points here, . . . no sense wasting valuable blog-space, . . .

In 1996, Osama bin Laden was expelled from the Sudan. The Saudi Government offered him to the United States Government on a silver platter. Bill Clinton and his Justice Department Staff, (as opposed to National Security or Department of State, where the issue should have resided), mulled if over for a couple days, and turned down the offer, and Osama went off to Afghanistan.

Would that have prevented the events of September 11, 2001?? Would it have prevented bin Laden from ever going to Afghanistan and setting up a base there?? Was Clinton operating in the best interests of the American electorate??

You be the judge. If you leave it Bill, he’ll be happy to re-write the history for you.

Keep in mind, we’re doing a review, here.

In 1998, Al-Qaeda bombed our embassies in East Africa. What did Bill Clinton do?? Nothing, really. He was much too busy dealing with Monica Lewinsky to be bothered with such things. Remember what members of his party said at the time?? Wasn’t it something about “consenting adults,” and “it’s nobody’s business,” . . .??

Then, in this very same interview, Bill Clinton actually has the unmitigated gall to say: "I always thought that bin Laden was a bigger threat than the Bush administration did." Oh really??

Why then, did you do absolutely NOTHING about it??

Mr. President, you're lying.

You didn't think Osama bin Laden was a threat at all. And 3,000 people paid the ultimate price for your inaction on September 11, 2001.

God Bless,


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