Thursday, August 18, 2005

Camp Casey Media Circus Proves Bias

So, Cindy Sheehan wanted to take her 15 minutes of fame for everything it's worth. That's fine. The trouble is that the louder you become, the more people start paying attention to you, . . . and the more they start looking in to other things you've said.

Now we're starting to learn a bit more about Jihad Cindy.

Wait a minute. "Jihad Cindy?"

Sorry, but yes.

This woman has become one of the best friends the Islamic Jihadists have out there.

Anyway, . . . we now know a bit more about Cindy's past utterances. She was
speaking at an anti-war rally at San Francisco State University earlier this year. At that rally she said that George W. Bush was "the biggest terrorist in the world." She also said that Bush was "waging a nuclear war in Iraq," and that Iraq "is contaminated, and will be contaminated for practically eternity now."

Then came the potty mouth. Try this from Cindy Sheehan:

"They're a bunch of f—ing hypocrites, and we need to, we
just need to rise

Want more from Cindy? Well the Drudge Report has more, . . . here you go:

"If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bulls__t, that
this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading
freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills
makes Iraq more free?" "The whole world is

Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it's so important
for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy,
then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls.
They need to go to this war." "We want our country back and,
if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down
to the person who picks up dog s__t in Washington, we will
impeach all those people."

It is becoming increasingly clear that Cindy Sheehan is deranged. The fact that she lost her son in Iraq may have been a contributing factor, but it does not mitigate the fact that she is a certified lunatic. She has now become a tool of not just one, but several movements. Among them the "I hate Bush because of 2000" crowd, both anti-war crowds, that connected with tired old socialists and communists, and that associated with people who lack the understanding that it is sometimes necessary to fight to preserve freedom and your way of life; the America haters who want to see this country weakened; and those who openly support the goals of the Islamic jihadists.

I wonder if NBC will cover the previous utterances of this whack-job. Probably not. As screwed up as she is, she fits the template. Cindy Sheehan is a story that can be hammered to embarrass and harass Bush. That makes it eminently newsworthy.

God Bless,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigot! Ignorant twit!

Friday, August 19, 2005 7:07:00 AM  

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