Monday, August 01, 2005

Now, that the four would-be Islamic bombers have been captured in London, the international media and pro-appeasement Euro-weenies have set about to try and figure out why these complete-wastes-of-protoplasm did what they did.

First up, we have a CNN report this morning that says a suspect in Italian custody is saying the attempted July 21 bombings had nothing to do with the bombings on July 7 or Al-Qaeda.

He says he did it to draw attention to the anger over war in Iraq. Voila! So, . . ummmm, . . what was Osama bin Laden's excuse on 9/11??

For those of you who were indoctrinated in public schools, the Iraq action came after 9/11, not before. The implication is that the war in Iraq made these Islamic terrorists try to do what they did and as a result, the whole thing is George Bush's fault. Liberal conspiracies are so neat and tidy, aren't they?Well, not really. First of all, people lie. Is Hussain Osman going to tell police if he is a member of Al-Qaeda? Probably not.

Second, if the bombings were done because they were mad about Iraq, how would anyone ever know?? But to really understand the thinking of these psychos, take a look at a few of the supposed quotes from this Islamic baby killer:"I am against war. I've marched in peace rallies and nobody listened to me. I never thought of killing people."

Apparently he never thought of killing people until he decided to blow up innocent people on July 21st. Fortunately, he’s incompetent, and the bombs didn't go off. Expect the media and various other Islamic terrorist apologists, on the far-left side of any room, to start blaming and justifying the London bombings because of the war in Iraq.

Bush is the real terrorist in their weak little minds. Morons abound!

God Bless,


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