Thursday, July 28, 2005


The clueless media has a
new poll out today about Iraq. This one comes to you from USA Today/CNN and our very own, local resident, Mr. Gallup.

The poll says Americans don't believe the U.S. will win the war in Iraq or establish a stable Democracy there.

Unfortunately, this poll demonstrates one thing: the brainwashing propaganda from the Democrats and from the left seems to be working.

What a wonderful comfort this must be to the Islamic terrorists of the world. Surely the word will reach Saddam, . . . and bring about another big grin.

This may come as a bit of a surprise to some, especially those who have publicly said otherwise, in commentary here, or in our local Daily Newsrag, The Daily Nonpareil, but the United States has already won the war in Iraq, and we have already established a stable Democracy there, . . . all in record time and with very low casualties. By any measure of modern warfare, the invasion and occupation of Iraq has been a resounding success. Yet, for some reason, people are choosing to believe the Bush-bashing doom and gloom scenarios reported on the evening news.

I guess we have the wonderful system of government schools to thank for that lack of critical thinking on the part of the masses. There is one bright spot in the poll, . . . it finds that people don't believe sending troops to Iraq was a mistake. So let me get this straight...the war was a failure, we can't win, . . . but sending the troops wasn't a mistake. Right.

Oh, and to get an idea of just how slanted this poll is against the Bush administration, get a load of this question: "Do you think the Bush administration deliberately misled the American public about whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction??" Fifty-one percent said yes. That's too bad. Here's a question they should have asked, (but, of course, DIDN'T): "By the way, did you know weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq??" You won't ever hear that, from our friendly professional career journalists, with any national news provider service, nor their friends (read: "Well-Paid Vendors") who conduct their polling "services."

God Bless,


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