Monday, September 19, 2005

Who's going to pay, . . . .

and how much responsibility do taxpayers have for footing the bill??

Is there room to debate whether or not the federal taxpayers ought to pick up the tab for rebuilding New Orleans??

Of course, and we'll have those conversations, right here on VRWC. But, for now, let's just take a cursory view of the issues, . . . .

Why, for instance, should the taxpayers step forward to rebuild a home that was (a) located behind a levee and sitting below sea level, and (b) wasn't adequately insured?? Actually, though, when you think about the big picture, . . . there are going to be two debates. The first is over whether or not it is the taxpayer's responsibility to foot the bill, and the second will be over whether or not taxes ought to be raised to cover the tab. George W. Bush says he won't raise taxes, but he and I disagree over most spending issues, and how the money should flow.

The Democrats have been trying for years to increase taxes on the evil and hated rich. Liberalism appeals to those who have not achieved, and don't have the gumption to learn the definition of that word. Liberalism is actually the philosophy of anti-individualism. Individual achievement and excellence must, then, be discouraged and punished. What better way to punish evil individuals who dare to rise above the masses than to simply seize the fruits of their labors?? In the world of Democrats and liberalism accomplishment, achievement and individualism must be punished. This is why Democrats will work hard to make sure that taxes are increased to pay for Katrina recovery. Not taxes on everybody, mind you, . . . but only the taxes on the wicked, evil rich people and their corporations, (don't get me started on the differences --- THAT'S what they're gonna say!).

The alternative, of course, is to run a deficit, like we've been doing for years. Democrats now tell us that deficits are bad. A few decades ago Democrats were arguing just the opposite, that deficits were simply a byproduct of government doing what government needs to do, . . . care for its citizens. Democrats weren't so eager to hike taxes in those days, perhaps because those tax hikes hit people who vote for Democrats. Now that Democrats have managed to shift almost the entire tax burden on the upper 30% of income earners -- people who are more likely to vote Republican -- tax hikes are the ONLY way to go.

But then, deficits aren't necessarily all that evil, when you get right down to it. If Americans had to pay the entire purchase price for a home the year they bought it, nobody would own homes. During the year in which you buy a home, or a car for that matter, you will probably spend more than you take in. You'll run a deficit. You'll finance that deficit over the course of the coming years. There is no problem with the federal government financing the cost of this recovery effort over several years, . . . IF, and it's a big if, . . . . the government will show some financial responsibility in other spending. Anyone think that's going to happen, . . . given the level of intellect applying to most of those currently elected to Congress??

God Bless,


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