Wednesday, August 31, 2005


With dead bodies being pushed out of the way as rescuers make their way to save families, liberals are starting to weigh in on the situation with Hurricane Katrina.

What is their response??

To set aside politics, so that lives can be saved and homes rebuilt?? Of course not. They have to do what they always do: . . . blame America first.

Our first stop in the Blame America First Hurricane tour is the offices of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

According to Bobby Jr., Katrina is the fault of Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour.

How could this be, you ask??

RFK wrote a column in which he said Barbour is reaping what he has sown. In other words, Mississippi deserves the devastation wrought by the hurricane because of the actions of its governor.

How could one man be responsible for so much destruction?? Read on.

In the warped mind of leftists like Kennedy, hurricanes are the result of global warming. Apparently when Haley Barbour was the chairman of the Republican National Committee, he opposed the Kyoto protocol (as did anyone with a functional brain).

He also says that perhaps the hurricane hit Mississippi the hardest at the last minute because Barbour was the governor. Gotta love the left in this country. Then we hear from the media in Europe. The verdict??

In Germany, papers are reporting that Katrina should be a lesson to the United States about global warming. Even though global warming doesn't cause hurricanes, it's still our fault. We deserved it. It sure must make the terrorist-appeasing, America-bashing, Euro-weenies feel good to sit there and think that.**

Typical moronic liberalism. I suppose we shouldn't expect anything less.


God Bless,


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