Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blame Bush!

Yesterday, as the storm came ashore, I wondered aloud, how long it would take to blame the current administration for the damage. It didn't take long! . . . .

. . . . Less than a day!

That's how long it took the wacko leftist fringe to blame Hurricane Katrina on President George W. Bush.

That's right, . . . it's all his fault.

Apparently he had the CIA weather satellites pointed at the Gulf of Mexico to stir things up. I guess sometimes you need to spice things up on long, slow vacations. Some of the allegations include that Louisiana is not as well-protected because there are
so many National Guard troops in Iraq. Uh-huh.

But the biggie is that Katrina was
caused by global warming, . . . and, we all know who the sole source of global warming is in the whole world.

It's the mean, evil United States of America, with George Bush at the helm.

The media is already pointing out that global warming warms the ocean, . . . and that's an ingredient of these hurricanes, . . . so ah-ha! . . . . Halliburton caused it all. Well, not really.

The easiest way to refute this is to point out the following. Hurricanes have been around forever, long before man invented everything that is supposedly causing "global warming." In fact, one scientist quoted by the New York Times (no, really, . . . it was the NYT) says this whole hurricane cycle is normal. In fact, we've been doing better than the norm. So much for global warming causing hurricanes.

By the way, . . . did you read last week that some scientists are starting to
resign from a much-ballyhooed global warming panel??

These scientists are saying that there is no substantive evidence that whatever global warming we do have is caused by the actions of man. To the environmental crowd, this is heresy.

Can you imagine if all of these extreme leftist environmental wackos had been around during the ice age?? They would have blamed that one on George Bush, too. And, they'd have convinced themselves, long ago, that they were right. Morons abound!

God Bless,


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