Friday, January 27, 2006


Normally, I don’t like to cover dog-stories on VRWC, (especially the gruesome kind), but . . . .with United States Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is cruising toward confirmation, and expectations are that he’s to be confirmed next Tuesday, . . . enter the Poodle.

All indications are that all 55 Republican Senators will vote for him, and even a handful of Democrats, including Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Tim Johnson of South Dakota. This one should be a slam-dunk. But the French-looking puppy-dog, and some other Democrats are steamed. You see, they put on a big show at the confirmation hearings, . . . but nobody cared.

They grilled Alito, he held up under fire and all the left succeeded in doing in those hearings was to make his wife cry. The Poodle is upset about that! John F. Kerry, who, by the way, is running for president in 2008, has decided it's time to make some political hay over the issue.
He wants to filibuster the vote, currently scheduled for Tuesday morning at 11.

The only problem?? . . . . He doesn't have the votes!

Even none other than Illinois Senator Sticky Dicky Durbin observed as much: "One of the first responsibilities of someone in Congress is to learn how to count. Having made a count, I have come to the conclusion it is highly unlikely that a filibuster would succeed."

You can bet Sticky Dicky will have a wet finger in the air, if this comes to fruition, . . . So there sits The Poodle, . . . twisting in the wind. Just like his 2004 presidential campaign, . . . he just can't get any respect.

He did bring up Ann Coulter's name on the Senate floor, saying that because she liked Alito's nomination, that was reason enough to stop it.So Senator John F. Kerry is trying to rustle up support for a filibuster. No matter, . . . the Senate Majority Leader Frist says he will change the rules to ban the procedure, . . . the so-called "nuclear option," . . . if these Democrats try it.

The Poodle just cannot win.

God Bless,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

such childish slander characterises american politics. no wonder the rest of the world feels contempt for the way in which american politicians use their legal mechanisms to gain personal power in the same way that third world primates climb over each other using more straightforward means, i.e. guns.the result is the same. saner people suffer for the dreams of a few self-important megalomaniacs. In his time, Alexander the great was probably called Al the asshole.Napoleon would have earned the appellative 'That Little Prick' and we all now know the story of that Great Statesman John F. (I liked cuban cigars,you bastard) Kennedy. Grow up,America. You will need a little maturity to weather the coming years.

Friday, June 02, 2006 6:37:00 AM  

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