Sunday, January 22, 2006

Look out Teddy! Here comes trouble! (. . . in the form of your Love Child)

A couple days ago, Senator Edward (Teddy) Kennedy, perhaps the most repulsive politician in Washington in recent years, said that he was going to cast his vote against Samuel Alito because, according to Teddy, Judge Alito was "itching to overturn Roe v. Wade."

Is this a personal issue for Kennedy?? I'd ask that readers of the VRWC consider the fact that the latest edition of The National Enquirer tabloid spins the tale of an Edward Kennedy love child, a now 21-year-old male name Christopher. I wonder if the child ever knew his dad likes to walk around in his print boxers, carrying a goblet of Scotch whisky?
(Let's see, . . . that would make young Christopher elegible for some serious medical
insurance benefits, courtesy of the American taxpayer, because his Daddy was a
Senator when he was conceived -- Can we say DNA tests may be the order of the
day, if those bennies become necessary??)

The Enquirer story says that Kennedy urged the child's mother to have an abortion, but she refused. Perhaps Kennedy is working hard in the Alito matter, in order to keep his options open in the event this one blows up, or in case(s) of any future indiscretions. Now, if the mainstream media would just pick up on the lead by the Enquirer, and go out and do some REAL investigative journalism, (something the VRWC thinks may well be extinct, when it comes to liberal proponents engaged in governmental affairs).

God Bless,


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