Wednesday, November 23, 2005


MSNBC's 'Hardball' host Chris Matthews was speaking to students at the University of Toronto the other day.

A well-known leftist who used to work in the Carter administration, Matthews decided to start talking about the war on Islamic terrorism and the Bush administration's response to 9/11. He repeated the Democratic talking point that Bush squandered the opportunity to unite the world (whatever that means.)

I seem to recall a large coalition of countries assisting us in Afghanistan and Iraq. What Matthews is really saying is that because the French didn't go along with the Iraq war, Bush didn't unite the world.

Then he said this: "The period between 9/11 and Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn't a robust discussion of what we were doing. If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil -- they just have a different perspective."

That's correct, folks, . . . Chris Matthews doesn't believe Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi are evil, . . . they just have a different perspective. I guess Ted Bundy had a different perspective too , . . . and Jeffrey Dahmer. And that German guy named Alolph, too!! Talk about different perspectives!! My Gawd!! It is exactly this line of thinking that has brought us to where we are today. When are these folks gonna get it?? For two decades, the U.S. government believed Islamic terrorists weren't evil, . . . they just had a different perspective.

So we ignored it. As a result of that lax policy, 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001. But, that's NOT to say that we brought it upon ourselves, . . . Oh, contrare!! But this is what liberals believe, . . . that everyone is basically good, and if that we only listen to what they have to say, we can understand their "different perspective."

This is why when it comes to national security, most Democrats are dangerous and must not be put into power. It's the reason why every American, living in a red state, needs to do his/her homework, when it comes to both state and national elections. It was easy to see Matthews was a Bush-hater just by watching his show, . . . but terrorists not evil?? Wake up America. There are people out there telling you that the media is fair and balanced, . . . that it's not just a slogan for FNC.

I wonder if he thought because he said it in Canada that nobody would pay any attention to it.

Well, . . . at least here at VRWC, it didn't work out that way.

God Bless,


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