Tuesday, November 22, 2005


For some prankster at CNN, that would be the case!! Or, so it would seem, . . . Yet the CNN management folks, (apparently not technically aware enough to refute their own people), are ready to defend the action, . . .

Here's the situation: Vice President Dick Cheney has been speaking out against the critics of the war who have been pushing the 'Bush lied' nonsense for months now. As such, he has become public enemy #1 with the left and the mainstream media. So it comes as no surprise that CNN was caught doing one of the more bizarre things in recent journalistic history.

Yesterday morning, just after 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, CNN was airing Dick Cheney's speech live from the American Enterprise Institute. This is the speech where he said nice things about Congressman John Al-Murtha.

Anyway, during his remarks, a large, black X flashed directly over his face. You had to be paying close attention, because each time it flashed it was for less than a second. It was either Drudge or somebody that was watching who sent it to Drudge that caught it. So what gives, here??

For their part, CNN had this to say: "Upon seeing this unfortunate but very brief graphic, CNN senior management immediately investigated. We concluded this was a technological malfunction, not an issue of operator error. A portion of the switcher experienced a momentary glitch. We obviously regret that it happened and are working on the equipment to ensure it is not repeated."

Hmm, . . . very interesting. That's awfully convenient, . . . because the X is directly over Dick Cheney's face, . . . as if positioned there by some behind-the-scenes Bush-hater. But they'll get away with it. The mainstream media will let them off the hook, . . . and no further explanation will be required. Apparently the hatred the media has for the Bush administration knows no bounds, . . . even when it comes to airing their speeches.

Now, . . . does this remind you of anything?? Several years ago Good Morning America unveiled a new set. Hanging from the wall was a painting on wood planks of an American Flag. . . . Surprisingly, there was a huge "X" through the flag. Amazing. Almost immediately the Internet and talk shows were buzzing with comments, . . . and the X suddenly disappeared from the flag. Maybe whoever designed that flag is working for CNN now!!


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