Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Democrats and various leftists are frantically searching for a reason to oppose the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. One of the areas of concern (for those on the left) seems to be whether or not Judge Roberts was ever a member of The Federalist Society.

John Roberts belongs to a group called The Federalist Society.

No he doesn't.

Wait, yes he does.

Well, maybe not. Hmmmmmm??

At least he's listed in the 1997-98 directory, but he says he has no memory of joining up. A statement from the president of the Federalist Society says: "The Federalist Society has a longstanding practice of not disclosing our dues-paying membership rolls out of respect for the privacy of our members." Who knows??

Okay, . . . what if he was?? . . . or worse, yet, . . . What if he IS?? Why all the controversy about The Federalist Society?? What is it about this group that has John Roberts distancing himself from it?? Democrats and the media are acting like he might be a member of the Communist Party. (Actually, they would probably approve of that membership)

Maybe we'll get a clue if we go to The Federalist Society's website. There we'll find
frequently asked questions about The Federalist Society , . . . and in the very first question we find out answer.

Q: What is the Federalist Society??

A: It is an organization of 35,000 lawyers, law students,
scholars, and other individuals who believe and trust that
individual citizens can make the best choices for
themselves and society. It was founded in 1982
by a group of law students interested in making sure
that the principles of limited government embodied
in our Constitution receive a fair hearing.
Well, . . . there you go. The dreaded "I-word" appears twice in that one answer! "Individual!!"

Remember, . . . we are supposed to be at war against individualism in this country . . . . Our old friend from Massachussetts, Edward (Teddy) Kennedy told us so! So if we have a Supreme Court nominee who is a member of an organization that not only supports the idea of individualism, but that believes that individual citizens can make better choices for themselves then can government . . . . why, that's just about as close to blasphemy as you can get, . . . for a liberal!! People just have to understand that government is there to relieve them of the oppressive responsibilities that go with actually go with being a practicing individual!! Everybody knows that individuals should not try to make important decisions and chooses for themselves . . . . this crucial task should be left to government!!

But wait! There's more!

Let's look at the second FAQ on The Federalist Society's website.

Q: How does the Federalist Society carry out its mission?

A: The Society's main purpose is to sponsor fair, serious, and
open debate about the need to enhance individual freedom
and the role of the courts in saying what the law is rather
than what they wish it to be. We believe debate is the best
way to ensure that legal principles that have not been the
subject of sufficient attention for the past several decades
receive a fair hearing.

Now we're really seeing the problem that liberals might have with a membership in The Federalist Society, aren't we? What's this nonsense about enhancing individual freedom? There's that dreaded "I" word again! And how could any liberal worth his salt ever support the idea that the role of the courts should be in telling us what the law IS??

Why doesn't the rest of America understand that the courts --- especially our Supreme Court --- are supposed to make law, not interpret it??

Why, if the Supreme Court can't make law, how are liberals going to ever get any legislation passed??

We'll see how far this goes. Right now the extreme left thinks that there is a chance of demonizing Judge Roberts by tying him to The Federalist Society. Soon we'll see dark hints about The Federalist Society being labeled an "extremist" organization. To a liberal, the very idea of individualism and limited government is extreme.

Now look, folks, if a little o' retired cop, like myself, can go out there on the internet, and do a bit of research and learn these things about The Federalist Society, so can the up and coming journalists in the media, if they really want to portray themselves as journalists. We'll see if the contemporary journalistic profession will step up, and tell us just what the left is worried about, or whether they'll be sitting off in the corner, wringing their hands, too.

Reference: http://www.gopusa.com/news/2005/july/0726_roberts_nomination1.shtml

God Bless,


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