Friday, July 22, 2005


Those of you who have a few memories of attending school, no doubt, will recall that many things were hung on the walls of classrooms throughout the entire building.

Perhaps the teacher would hang a photo of Martin Luther King.

Or, . . . When I was in school, if they were a history teacher, maybe a picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Some teachers lined the walls with pictures of all of the U.S. presidents. And that is where this latest little episode of extremist liberalism brings us.

Our little story, this time, picks up with 26-year-old Jillian Caruso, who formerly worked as a teacher at the Birch Lane Elementary School. She was forced to resign by the principal, Joyce Becker-Seddio. And what was her crime?? She
had a picture of George W. Bush hanging on her wall, among all of the other U.S. presidents.

You see, Joyce Becker-Seddio is a Democrat. As a matter of fact, she's married to a Democratic politician, New York Assemblyman Frank Seddio. Naturally, the left hates George W. Bush. They do not believe he is the legitimate president of the United States.

Anyone who would vote for, much less display a picture of President Bush is not to be tolerated against. And so it goes with the liberal definition of free speech: you have the right to free speech until they start to disagree with what you're saying.Imagine if a Republican had become outraged at a picture of President Clinton hanging on a teacher's wall among the 43 presidents. We would never hear the end of it.

But anyone with a single functioning brain cell knows that in order for the display to be historically accurate, all of the presidents must be hanging there. Perhaps it might be useful to let Principal Joyce Becker-Seddio know what you think, if you get a moment:
Principal Joyce Becker-Seddio
Birch Lane Elementary School
(516) 797-6010

Please send her a NICE e-mail (Be Civil – No derogatory remarks, please), and maybe her world can expand, and she can become a bit more tolerant of the conservative point of view, ehh??

God Bless,


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