Tuesday, July 19, 2005


As week two of the scandal that wasn't continues to unfold, two unanswered questions remain. And except for a few scant reporters, the mainstream media is making absolutely no attempt to answer them.

The reason?

The answer to those questions would undermine the left's big lie about Karl Rove being the focus of the investigation.

The questions are:

Question #1.) Was Valerie Plame a covert agent??

The 1982 statute under which anyone who divulged her name would be prosecuted clearly states she must have been in the field in the last 5 years. So far, all the evidence says no. Her husband, Joe Wilson, was confronted with this very question Sunday. He refused to answer. If she was not in the field as an agent in the last 5 years, all of this is a grand waste of time.

Although the special prosecutor has plenty of integrity, and is well regarded by both sides of the isle, it certainly appears that, at this time, that he's simply promulgating his own little bureaucracy, and wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. How many FBI agents are assigned to his exclusive use, for this debacle?? Let's hope he has the integrity to explain what's going on, sometime in the near future.

Question #2.) Why is Judith Miller sitting in jail??

Who is she protecting, and why is the New York Times refusing to give her up?? She gathered information for a story she never wrote, and now she's sitting in jail to protect that source.

The record clearly indicates that the New York Times is no friend of the Bush administration, so if it was Karl Rove or Scooter Libby, they'd sell them out in a minute. No, . . . Judith Miller is protecting someone else.

And nobody knows who it is.

Until we have the answers to those two questions, there's absolutely nothing new about Valerie Plamegate.

God Bless,


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