Monday, July 18, 2005

Get Karl, (continued)

The 'Get Karl Rove' jihad on the left and in the news media has appeared to flame out.

Now that the revelation that Rove first heard about Valerie Plame from another journalist is out there, those in the Democratic party with at least one functional brain cell have begun to do the revisionist backstroke. It's a very familiar scene. Ask yourself, "Why doesn't the media publish her photo?" . . . I did! C'mon, everyone -- This isn't the gotcha-fest the Democrats want you to believe it is, . . .

We are talking about the same extreme leftist people who picked out the above shot, for Vanity Fair, folks. No wonder our intelligence on WMD was screwed up!

But the left, always trolling for the latest 'gotcha,' may point to Time magazine journalist Matt Cooper's interviews on Meet The Press and CNN's Late Edition yesterday. The media seems to be running with Cooper's allegation that Rove was his only source on Valerie Plame.

Let's take a look at the high points of what he said and debunk them one by one, shall we?

1.) Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby confirmed to Matt Cooper that Joe Wilson was sent to Niger at the behest of his wife, who worked at the CIA on WMD issues. That's the same thing Rove told him. BFD.

2.) Look at what Cooper said exactly: "After that conversation, I knew that she worked at the CIA, and worked on WMD issues. But as I made clear to the grand jury, I'm certain Rove never used her exact name and certainly never indicated she had a covert status." Once again, Rove never used her name and didn't know she had covert status. Yawn.

3.) So is Libby the source? Nope. All he gave Cooper was the same information Rove did. If the special prosecutor told Rove's lawyer he's not a target, then Libby isn't either.

So all in all, despite Matt Cooper's little media tour, nothing has changed. There's nothing new.

And once again, the mainstream media is missing this story by a mile. Right now, Judith Miller of the New York Times is sitting in jail, protecting a source in the Valerie Plame case.

But such is the left's blind lust to get Karl Rove and bash all things related to the Bush administration, they can't see what they're missing.

Who is Judith Miller protecting? Why is she in jail?

The answer to that is where the point of this entire investigation lies.

God Bless,


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