Friday, July 08, 2005

New Screenplay Idea

So there I was, listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, late last year, during the build up to the election, and I hear the Godfather of Amplitude Modulation make one of the best points ever, on the SwiftBoat Vets vs. John F. Kerry story.

The only time the mainstream media ever mentioned the swift vets is when they think they've found a way to weaken them and bolster Kerry. But when that happened, the SwiftBoat vets responded and either held strong or find their position improved. Senator John Forbes Kerry, (D-MA), on the other hand, seems to have developed a huge problem by that time. His version of what happened 35 years ago - including things that were supposedly "seared" into his memory - changed more often than his position on Iraq.

To paraphrase Mr. Limbaugh, of the two sides, Kerry was the only one changing his story. For some reason this reminded me of the 80's flick 'The Neverending Story' (a movie that had two sequels - which you wouldn't think a never ending story would need). Then I figured that the John F. Kerry movie version would be a little different - it would be a magical Ever-Changing Story. A movie you could watch over and over again, because
each time you saw it, it would be different. Wasn't that a fun election??

God Bless,
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