Friday, July 08, 2005


Given the outrage over the (in all liklihood) Islamic terror bombings in London, will we continue to hear the outrage from Democrat Party and the Euro-cowards over the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba??

Let's take a quick look at the situation, shall we?? Down at Guantanamo, we're housing these animals in a state-of-the-art prison, complete with three, (very costly), square meals a day, a free Koran and a really nice prayer rug. We're treating these Islamic terrorists better than they've ever been treated. But that's not how the left-over-from-the-sixties, anti-war, blame-America-first crowd on the left sees it.

To those folks, the United States is evil, and if we're running a prison for terrorists, then it must be a Gulag. After all, the heroic Senator Richard Durban said so, himself, didn't he?? They've been getting away with quite a lot of statements in the press criticizing us.

But now, with these terrorist bombings in London, and dozens of innocent citizens dead, . . . does anyone think they'll shut up?? Most INTELLECTUALLY-HONEST, THINKING people aren't going to be too receptive to the idea of worrying about the living conditions and judicial recourse of terrorists at a cushy prison in Cuba when innocent commuters are being blown up during rush hour in London.

Then again, . . . . somebody might stick their neck out there. Some Democrat who admires Durban, or Kennedy, or Biden, will probably say the bombings in London are Bush's fault, . . . "after all, he's the one who made them mad. We should appease them at all costs, . . . you know?? Let's just turn the Gitmo terrorists loose, . . ." and then sit back to see where they'll strike, next. Morons seem to abound, around these events!!

God Bless,


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