Monday, July 04, 2005


While you're cookin' hotdogs, burgers, ribs, or those other things that'll kill you, watching NASCAR, the parades and/or the fireworks today, maybe, . . . just maybe, . . . you could ask yourself whether you would have been with the majority or the minority on July 4th, 1776.

The majority?? Those were the colonists who were perfectly happy, thank you very much, to live under British control. The minority?? Those were the people dedicated the idea of freedom and personal liberty, the people who were willing to put all that they had at risk . . . . even their lives . . . . for the cause of independence.

Oh! You can't quite figure out which side you would have been on in 1776??

Well, . . . here's one way to figure it out. Did you have an opinion on President Bush's attempt to create privately owned and controlled accounts within Social Security?? If you approved of the plan you would have been with the minority in 1776. If you opposed the plan, congratulations! . . . If the thought behind the reason we celebrate with fireworks doesn't choke you up, just a little bit, . . . you and your ilk have been running with the majority for over 230 years.

God Bless You, America!


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