Sunday, July 03, 2005


Senator Teddy (Chappaquidic) Kennedy has also picked up on the "mad with power" theme: Kennedy has placed his name on a poisonous little fund-raising letter that has been mailed to hundreds of thousands of voters around the country. In that letter the good Senator Kennedy parrots the current Democratic line . . . . that the Republicans are trying to gain "absolute power" over our government. In that mailer Kennedy says that "The far right knows no bounds, and neither does their lust for unchecked power.

Kennedy then puts forth "13 numbers that tell how bad George Bush and the Republicans have been for America."

I'm not going to go through all 13 of Kennedy's enumerations here . . . . but I'll cover just a few of them to set up a point I wish to make about Kennedy's little numbers game. Here we go on a brief mystical Kennedy ride through the alcoholic fog, . . . (ya know, I once got suspended for calling a fellow cop "an alcoholic," because cops aren't supposed to make physiological diagnoses, such as that, . . . but I'm no longer encumbered by such restraints!), so here ya go:

No. 3: $1 billion -- how much the Bush Administration has under funded domestic port security.

Now .. if you are possessed of the least bit of intellectually-honest curiosity -- in other words, if you didn't attend certain government schools -- you might well, want to know just how one will determine that something is "under-funded." Well, Mr. Insensitivity is here to answer your question.

Step 1. Demand increased government spending for some friendly constituent group or political stronghold.

Step 2. When the Republican congress refuses to meet your funding goals, immediately make a finding that your friendly constituent group or political stronghold is "under funded." Two easy steps .. and you have No. 3 on Senator Chappaquidic's list.

No. 5: $98 billion -- how much the Bush Administration has under funded first responders since 9/11.

Same deal --- ask for the money, and when the money isn't forthcoming, scream "under funded!"

No. 11: 20,000 -- the number of premature deaths annually resulting from the Republicans gutting the Clean Air Act.

Bear in mind that the Bush administration has done absolutely nothing that will cause our air to become dirtier. The Clean Air Act has not been gutted. Some moves have been made that will allow some power plants to make minor repairs that would allow a more efficient generation of electrical power with virtually no increase in pollution levels per kilowatt hour generated. Under the Clinton rules these plants would have either had to operate without the needed repairs, thus producing more, not less pollution per kilowatt hour, shut down, or undergo repairs and renovations so expensive that the price of electricity would have gone up appreciably. This is known as "gutting the Clean Air Act?"

Okay, . . . Now it's my turn. Here's Ted Kennedy, by the numbers. Or, . . . should I say by the number.

No. 1. One (1) -- the number of young women who have died by suffocation in the back seat of Ted Kennedy's car as it sits in four feet of water after having run off a bridge on Martha's Vineyard while Teddy Kennedy, who was driving, when the car ran off the bridge, wanders aimlessly up and down the highway trying to figure out a way to save his political future when news of the dead girl finally hits the newspapers.

See how easy this is?? Of course, my offering can stand up to any quest for the truth, while Kennedy's cannot. Golly, what I wouldn't have given to have been there, to conduct a complete reconstruction of that accident, by the numbers. Too bad that has never been done, by a competent accident reconstructionist.

So, . . . keep your eyes and ears open. Until this theme is replaced with another one you will hear more and more about the Republicans mad, diabolical quest for absolute power! It's strictly up to you, whether you buy into the mantra, or not.

God Bless,


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