Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ted Kennedy Gets Cold Welcome At Guantanamo Bay

We've received a lot of emails expressing the sentiment that "you've had enough" of the constant criticism of our troops and the military from certain politicians and 'news' journalists.

Well, you're not alone, and this is one of those stories that will make you feel good - our brave troops stationed at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba [GITMO] gave an earful to Senator Ted Kennedy on a recent visit by Kennedy to the facility.The BLOG, Political Teen, has the video footage from Fox News Channel:

It's nice to see that the 'backlash' against those Blame America First types who tried to undermine our troops is growing... and that even our troops have had enough of the attempts to undermine their work.At our recent "I LOVE AMERICA" art exhibit and patriotic rally we were blown away at how popular our "I LOVE GITMO" shirts continued to be.

We continue to spread the message of the backlash one bumper sticker and one t-shirt at a time.

You can display your own love of GITMO here:

And, . . . . if you click on "comments," below, . . . . you can leave a public message for other VRWC readers to enjoy.

God Bless,


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